
Capitalism/Democracy v Socialism

Other day I’m having a pleasant chat with a fellow and he blurts out something about the left being socialists. It’s clear to me after listening he has no idea what a socialist is and what they do. [I do agree that the American left is socialist and getting more socialist.]

In America today, we have an economic system and a political system.

Our economic system is — theoretically — capitalism, while our political system is democracy within a representative republic. You will get an argument that our political system is also capitalism.

Socialism is both an economic and political system. Continue reading


Capitalism To The Rescue

The day after Pearl Harbor, Ford Motor Company announced it was retooling all of its production lines to produce Jeeps and other military vehicles thereby setting in motion a wholesale shift of American industry to support the war effort. Three and a half years later, America was producing 50,000 airplanes of all types on a monthly basis.

The US would produce 640,000 Jeeps (270,000 by Ford alone, the balance from other auto manufacturers) in those three and a half years. When I was in the Army in the 1970s, I had a Jeep like this. I loved my Jeep.

This is what happens when American industry is tapped to rise to a national crisis. Today, we see the same thing happening in the startup world.

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Innovation — how it is supposed to work

Big Red Car here.

So The Boss is out having a coffee.  Early riser likes to have a coffee for a meeting early in the morning because when the coffee is over he can scoot if he wants.

So I hear him talking about this article in The Atlantic.  Read this article.  The author, Kathryn Hawkins, wrote a great article.  She writes some great stuff about innovation in the United States.  Very interesting stuff on a number of different levels.

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