Tag Archives: california
The Rose Bowl Leaves California
Some time ago, we noted that many Californians were leaving the state to move to Texas.
Now, even that most-California of sporting events, The Rose Bowl, is moving to Dallas (Arlington).
When asked why they were moving, the Rose Bowl responded, “Don’t be that guy, the last guy to get the memo. We are going to Texas because we want to be free!”
Rose Bowl Game
Alabama v Notre Dame
4:00 PM, Friday, 1 January 2021
AT & T Stadium
Arlington, Texas
See you there.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!
Manhole v Personhole v Maintenance Hole
I have been on a journey of discovery. For a year I have struggled — admittedly unsuccessfully — with how to confront an increasingly more troubling, harsher, complex world.
This week, the Berkeley, California, City Council showed me the light when they renamed MANHOLES as MAINTENANCE HOLES, thereby driving off the offensive stank and horrific gender-biased nomenclature of such things. Hurrah!
It is with a light heart I now face life, secure in the knowledge that I and millions of others will no longer have to confront the indignity of improperly identified, gender-shamed public facilities.
MANHOLES are dead.
Leaving NYC
Leaving NYC, Big Red Car, who’s leaving New York now? Financial enterprises.
Big Red Car here in the slightly gray ATX – still, On Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!
A recent announcement that NYC headquartered AllianceBernstein Holding LLC was moving its headquarters and 1,000 jobs to Nashville caught my attention.
It is a phenomenon which is playing out right here in Austin and Texas, in general. Firms and individuals are leaving California, Chicago, and NYC to relocate to Texas and its pro-business, nice weather, no taxes environment.
Nashville has some of that Southern mojo working in its favor, but this is all about money – real estate, taxes (state and city), employment expense, and flight from an ever increasing burden.
It is about the money, y’all.