
Dick’s and Guns

Big Red Car here on a lovely Texas SXSW day. Oh, how cute. You didn’t know 250,000 tech Illuminati had invaded Austin? Well, yes, they did.

So, to the topic. Guns and Dick’s. Dick’s and guns?

Dick's Sporting Goods.svg

After the recent tragedy in Florida at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Dick’s decided to raise its age to purchase all weapons to twenty-one even though Federal law allowed one to buy a long rifle at age eighteen.

Obviously, someone at Dick’s — a corporate Dick, perhaps — anticipated there might be a reaction for to every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In this case, the Devil is in the details.

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Gun Regulation — or why you just cannot trust the liberals in America

Big Red Car here.

Hope you are getting ready for a nice New Years Eve holiday or at least a bit of the bubbly and a holiday spirit.  Have one on me and Happy New Year!

Be good to yourselves, you deserve it.

Well, I had hoped that The Boss would not get involved in the gun debate but I also wanted a white Christmas in Austin.  Not going to happen.  Either one.  So let me see if I can get his views down in print correctly.

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