
Oil >>> Gas Prices, It’s Starting

Big Red Car here. It’s beginning to happen. I told you it would.

Here is a picture from Michigan showing gasoline prices dipping to lower than $1/gallon.

Note it is a “price war” and that isn’t the exact same thing as the entire country.

Remember two anecdotes do not a trend make nor a database. But it IS a start.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Gas prices. Low gas prices. It’s what’s for breakfast.


“I’ve Got A Bad Feeling”

Big Red Car here on a lovely Saturday morning (actually it’s drizzling). That time of the morning when the leaves in the driveway are scurrying to wherever leaves scurry to running in front of the morning breeze. I like to stretch and yawn and think.

Oh, shit, there is a tech wreck upon us and it is going to be ugly on an ape.

Slow down, Big Red Car, slow down, big fella. It can’t be that bad. Can it? Continue reading


WTF — What The Frack? Oil Prices 12 Year Low

Big Red Car here in the crisp, sunny, loveliness that is the ATX — on Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

Right to it. Oil prices, twelve year low.

The Big Red Car has been beating the drum about oil prices for almost six months –“Going to $30/barrel and will touch $20/barrel on the way. Biggest tax cut in American history.”

If the Big Red Car had a neck, it would be stretched way out there, y’all.

Oil hit a twelve year low yesterday and is headed lower still. Continue reading


The Huge Oil Tax Cut

Big Red Car here on what promises to be another day in paradise. On Earth as it is in Heaven! [Haha, just checking to see if you’re paying attention. You know it’s supposed to be — On Earth as it is in Texas!]

Did you know you are getting a huge tax cut? Yes, you are and it’s going to be grand. It already is and right in time for Christmas. Continue reading


Let’s Cut the Crap — the Economy Sucks

Big Red Car here. Going to be a great day in the ATX, as usual. How many days until Longhorn football?

You do the math, dear reader. The Horns play Notre Dame in South Bend (Touchdown Jesus, y’all!) on 5 September. The game is on NBC and starts at 6:30 EST.

So, the economy? What is going on with the economy?

The economy is not good, y’all, but you wouldn’t know that if you listened to the folks in the White House who are spiking the ball and touting their success in growing the economy.

Let’s cut the crap about the economy and get into some facts. Continue reading