
The Value of Failure

Big Red Car here waiting for The Boss who is arriving back today from skiing. The wild running late with the housesitter good life is ………………………….. over.

So, I was talking with a couple of CEO cars and we got on the subject of the value of failure in long term success. One of them recited the famous Rudyard Kipling poem IF and was singing its praises as a frame of reference for entrepreneurs and, of all things, politicians. She, hot little 1984 Mercedes convertible with great headlights, said this is the money passage:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

    And treat those two impostors just the same;


The Voices in Your Head — For CEOs Only

Big Red Car here on a glorious and unusually sunny day in the ATX. On Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

So The Boss is engaged in a convo with a brilliant CEO about a month ago and it resonates in his head until it finally makes its way to his brain — oh, oh that may not be too diplomatic, Big Red Car?

A CEO has voices in his head which she must learn to ignore and some that the same CEO needs to embrace. Do tell, Big Red Car? [Those keeping score at home, the “he” and “she” were on purpose. OK, now back to our regular programming.}

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CEOs at the Nexus — For CEOs Only — Throwing Off the Winter Blues

Big Red Car here on a day when he could not come up with a good Google Adwords title for the post. Sorry.

But, hey, not to worry, going to be 85F today in the ATX. Ahhh, a Texas winter!

So, I’m eavesdropping on The Boss and a couple of his CEOs chattering about this and that and the subject comes to — “How does a CEO grab the company and shake them up a little when things are going fine? No crisis but needing a little shaking up? Throw off the winter blues?”

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Not my circus, not my monkeys — Advice for CEOs

Big Red Car here in the ATX where it is 51F at 4:00 AM and it’s going to be 80F this afternoon. Sunny to boot. A day to remember one’s sunscreen.

Ah, winter in the ATX. Hey, I’m sure it’s nice where y’all live. And what a blessing to be able to get a good workout shoveling snow, no? Blessings upon y’all!

So, the Big Red Car wants to chat with the CEOs and aspirants about the issue of delegation.

“Not my circus, not my monkeys.”

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Adaptability — Breaking in Corcoran Jump Boots, a Metaphor for CEOs — Adapt

Big Red Car here. It’s going to be 70F and sunny in the ATX. How about where you live?

I bet you would like our Texas winter season. Sorry, the Big Red Car can get really obnoxious at times like this. I hate myself for it sometimes. Sunscreen!

So, The Boss and I were talking to a CEO who was having trouble with a change that was forced upon him. Struggling really.

The Boss told him, “Adapt and drive on.”

The CEO made a face. “Adapt?” Continue reading


Teams, Subteams, Relationships — For CEOs Only

Big Red Car here. Brrrr, it was cold yesterday. It is a single digit above freezing here in the ATX — what is going on, Mothah Nature?

OK, this is winter. Going to be 52F today and sunny but still, 33F on a Sunday morning? Don’t panic, Big Red Car, you can do this. Bit of brie with that whine?

So, The Boss is on a rant with a couple of CEOs who are talking up “team building.” Boring! Boring! [Big Red Car, shut up, please. Sorry.]

So what’s all the chatter about? Let me mansplain it to y’all, may I? Mothah Nature, may I? Continue reading


Taking and Maintaining Control — a Primer for Founders and Other Delicate Persons

Big Red Car here. Another beauty here in paradise. Sorry, it’s only going to be sunny and 60F and cloudy this afternoon. A day not to forget one’s sunscreen.

But, hey, it’s probably nice and warm, sunny where you are also. Right?

[The Big Red Car can be a little obnoxious. Beware.]

So, the issue today is control. Taking control. Maintaining control. Exercising control. Here it goes. Continue reading