Ballot Stuffing v WutangCurse Relief Package

OK, this post is really about the WutangCurse relief package intended to aid folks whose jobs have gone up in smoke, jobs about to be lost, small businesses suffering, and about to be pitchforked.

But first, dear reader, let’s take a little quiz. Is the following election practice legal in the United States?

 1. Can a “voter” register the same day as an election?

 2. Can that same voter immediately fill out a mail-in or absentee ballot?

 3. Can that same voter give the filled in ballot to another person for delivery to the polling point?

 4. Does that delivery person have any limitations as to how many ballots they can collect from voters?

 5. Does the delivery person have to have any authorization from the voter to deliver his/her ballot?

 6. Can that delivery person be paid for his/her service?

May I have the envelope, please?

In the State of California, the answers are as follows:

 1. Yes a voter can register the same day as an election.

 2. Yes the newly registered voter can vote a mail-in or absentee ballot.

 3. Yes that newly registered voter can give the completed ballot to a person who will deliver it to the polling point.

 4. No, there are no limitations as to how many ballots that delivery person can “harvest.”

 5. No, the delivery person has no requirement to obtain or show any authorization from the voter to deliver his/her ballot.

 6. Yes, the delivery person can be paid as long as he/she is not paid by the ballot.

That sounds crooked, Big Red Car

Yes, dear reader, it does, but it gets even better.

In the current WutangCurse legislation, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has inserted this little gem to apply to all elections. Her bill,

(A) shall permit a voter to designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building, or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any form of compensation based on the number of ballots that the person has returned and no individual, group, or organization provides compensation on this basis; and

(B) may not put any limit on how many voted and sealed absentee ballots any designated person can return to the post office, a ballot drop off location, tribally designated building, or election office.

Let’s be clear this is not just “mail-in” ballots, this is all absentee ballots. Mail-in ballots often have to be requested while an absentee ballot is far more permissive.

Even better — remember, a ballot harvester can be paid for ballot harvesting as long as he/she is not paid per ballot.

WTF does that have to do with the WutangCurse, Big Red Car?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

It is an example of what Speaker Nancy Pelosi intends to attempt to get in return for passing the relief bill through her House of Representatives.

If you are a person who has lost their job, if you are a person who is in danger of losing their job, if you are a business who cannot survive a shut down — this action by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to steal elections is WHY YOU ARE NOT BEING AIDED.

Thanks, Nancy. Thanks for nothing.

Who is more dangerous to America — the WutangCurse or Speaker Nancy Pelosi?

One man. One woman. One vote. One honest