
Amateur Hour Contestants — Ambassador Steve Witkoff

Steve Witkoff, 68, is a pal of Donald Trump’s from the rough and tumble of the Manhattan real estate industry. Witkoff, a lawyer (Hofstra University 1983) is an uber successful developer, investor, and financial manager with offices in Manhattan, Miami, and Los Angeles. He is an established and successful heavyweight real estate pro in some of the toughest markets in America.

Witkoff first met Trump when Witkoff was a brand new real estate lawyer with Dreyer & Traub and worked on the Trump account.

President Trump appointed him as the Ambassador to the Middle East to deal with Israel and Hamas. Your Big Red Car gives him high marks for cutting through all the bullshit and forcing Israel to make a ceasefire with Hamas to attempt to attain the release of hostages, particularly American hostages.

Bravo and well played sayeth your Big Red Car. Continue reading


Tariffs, A Little Context And Analysis

Since President Trump’s inauguration — is it really still less than the first 100 days — there has been much talk of tariffs. Trump has threatened them, imposed them, modified them, and removed them. New concepts — such as “reciprocal” tariffs — have flooded the space.

Tariffs are in play, baby.

Here’s a link to the Federal Register where you can look up all of President Trump 2.0’s Executive Orders. Federal Register

Trump 2.0 has made tariffs into a sharp-edged weapon. And, yet, we are still only in the early innings. Continue reading


Russian Nothing Burger — The Best Way To Cook A Russian Nothing Burger

Donald J Trump, enroute to trouncing Kamala Harris, boasted he would end the Ukraine v Russia War before Inauguration Day. Might have been a bit of election braggadocio. Haha.

The old boy can be a bit of a boaster, a braggart. It’s part of his charm, I suppose. I take no offense as it communicates the sentiment clearly. I believe he legitimately does want peace.

Artisan Nothing Burger — sesame seeds and well toasted

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The Green Card V The Trump Gold Card I

Good morning, dear reader, today we discuss the existing immigration EB-5 Investor program and the impending Trump Gold Card.

What is the EB-5 progam, Big Red Car?

The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program (administered by the USCIS — US Citizenship and Immigration Service) was created in 1990 as a pathway for investors to attain a green card as a result of an investment in the United States that created at least 10 new jobs.

Since the inception of the program, it appears:

 1. that as many as 240,000 visas (including the families of the foreign immigrant investor) have been granted;

 2. that more than $50B has been invested;

 3. that the US Treasury has generated approximately $20B in tax revenue; and,

 4. that 1.0MM jobs have been created as a direct result of the investment.

The jobs are estimated using the formula of “direct jobs” X 1.5 indirect jobs to arrive at the final tally. Seems a bit tenuous to Big Red Cars. Continue reading


Volodmyr Zelenskyy — Patriot Or Dictator?

Recently President Trump unloaded on the President of Ukraine, Volodmyr Zelenskyy, calling him an unpopular dictator, in particular for not conducting elections. These claims are patently false and irresponsible.

President of Ukraine Volodmyr Zelenskyy has been an effective military commander and inspirational leader for his country.

What about the martial law and elections thing, Big Red Car?

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