Wisdom of the Campfire World HQ

Big Red Car here, up early to TacoDeli on Lamar up the street from Central Market  for a brain stimulating couple of egg and cheese tacos with avacado and jalapeno.  Why not?

Cup of coffee from the coffee joint next door.  First rate.

Talking growing a high tech company with a wizard smart young CEO. Typical morning and then back to the World Headquarters of Wisdom of the Campfire.

Wisdom of the Campfire is what The Boss calls his CEO coaching thing. He likes to think:

Wisdom is the application of good judgment over a protracted period of time.
Good judgement is the product of experience.
Experience is the product of bad judgement.

It is always cheaper to rent wisdom than it is to pay full tuition to obtain it.  The Boss rents his 33+ years of CEOing experience.

The basic tools of the trade are simple and streamlined.

The Boss comes armed with 33+ years of CEO experience, a Moleskine notebook, a sharp pen, a To Do List card, a Slab o’ Cheese cell phone and a cappuccino.  Then he listens to what you have to say and brings the solution out of you as it is already in there, my friend. Yes, it is.

All you have to do is call 512-656-1383 or email [email protected]. Then you get access to 33+ years of real CEO experience. You learn a lot of stuff, useful stuff, in 33+ years of CEOing.

This is the basis upon which The Boss typically will assist you. It is an easy deal. Try it if you need it.

CEO Coaching << read this

No sweat.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway?  I’m just a Big Red Car. Have a great weekend. Ya’ll deserve it. Be kind to…………………………..YOU! [Pro tip: Rub your beloved’s nekkid feet. Particularly if they’ve had a tough week. Promise you, it will make things feel a lot better.]