TEE – Tempe Elizabeth Eichholz, Watch Out, World

Big Red Car back in the ATX after a longish trip to Savannah to welcome Tempe Elizabeth Eichholz into the world. She arrived at Candler Hospital at 7 lbs 4 ounces and 19.5 inches.

Tempe is the most recent one in a long line of Tempes (Faith, Hope, Charity, Temperance (Tempe), it’s a Southern thing.). There’s a grandmother, a great grandmother, an aunt Tempe.

Somehow, I knew she would be a good baby. No crying – except to command a bit of nourishment from her red headed mother. [Baby TEE has black hair and dark, bluish eyes like her wonderful father.]

Mom, can we talk about these hats?

She is a vigorous eater and sleeper, already regaining her birth weight.

OK, so there’s ballet, Cotillion, calculus, Camp Longhorn, and being a debutante, then I have to start my own business. I think I’ll just take a nap until my next feeding. Being a modern Southern woman is tiring.

And, there, dear reader, you have it. Welcome Baby TEE, a modern Southern woman, into the world. World, watch out.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Be good to yourselves, you deserve it. Thank you, God, for Baby TEE.



8 thoughts on “TEE – Tempe Elizabeth Eichholz, Watch Out, World

  1. WOW! You did good! Your perfect daughter had your perfect granddaughter!!!

    She looks TERRIFIC!!!!!

    That mother-daughter image — the main pillar of civilization!!!!


    Big time congrats!!!!

  2. Congrats! Our first grandchild (Evelyn) arrived a year ago. Evelyn’s Mom (and our daughter) is also a redhead…

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