
Are The Biden Admin and the Dems Pro- or Anti- Business? National Security?

Clearly the answer to the above question can be determined definitively by considering the provisions of the 4,000+ page, makeshift, abrogation-of-duty, bacchanal, omnibus budget bill.

You know the one nobody will read and everybody will vote for so they can go home on Christmas recess?

I have been studying it. You knew I would. It is a Jabba the Hutt orgy of spending and earmarks. It is disgusting. It is also dangerous.

Here is an example:

 1. Since 1954, American business has been able to “expense” legitimate research and development expenses. Continue reading


Tethered to Reality v Untethered

Of late, I am convinced that there are multiple parallel worlds in which we and others exist. These worlds being “parallel” never intersect. When they do, the laws of physics create sparks, sparks create fire, and the fire burns bright until it is extinguished by reality. In the end, reality trumps all.

Case in point is the relentless pursuit of President Donald J Trump by the Jabba the Hutt figure, Congressman Jerry Lewis Nadler, Chairman House Judiciary Committee.

Jerry, 71, has been a Congressman since 1992, that’s 27 years. Before that he was in the NY Assembly for 15 years. All told, he has been a politician for 42 years.

[Historical quirk — Jerry was elected Stuyvesant High School 1964-65 student government president wherein his campaign was managed by Dick Morris. Yes, that Dick Morris.]

Jerry sees himself as a tranformational figure in both life and politics. Here he is after his own substantial transformation. Bravo!

Image result for jerry nadler images

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