
Kamala Harris — How And Why Did She Lose The Election?

Contrary to the Dems, the pundits, and the Dem lap dog media, the election was not as close as it was anticipated and reported to be. In fact, Kamala Harris suffered a substantial beatdown not able to equal Joe Biden’s 2020 performance in a single county in any state.

Turn the page, baby.

Donald Trump won the White House, the popular vote, carried every battleground state, and broke the vaunted Blue Wall whilst the Republicans gained control of the Senate and retained the House. Boom. That is a win for the ages. Continue reading


The Impending Gender War – The Radical Feminist 4B Movement Takes Root In America

In backlash to the “disastrous” outcome of the election on Tuesday — in case you have been sailing offshore, the Orange Man won the White House and the Republicans won the Senate and the House in a beat down of truly mythic proportions — women liberals/progressives have invoked the unique wrath of their gender that only they can harness.

Serious note: Kamala only beat Trump on “women” by 7% whilst Biden beat Trump on women by 15%. This has to worry the Dems, no?

This is the 4B Movement (originated in South Korea, a country with the lowest birth rate of any civilized country in the world) and it is defined by the four “NO” pledges. Continue reading


The Missing 14,000,000 Dem Voters

The rudderless Democrat Party — rudderless because their enshrined leaders Biden, Harris, Schumer, Jeffries (Pelosi) are all lame ducks — is now engaging in the mandatory post election recriminations and blame game trying to ascertain how they lost an election in such a decisive and comprehensive manner at the hands of the Orange Man.

The Dems surrendered the White House, the Senate, and the House; that, dear reader, is a West Texas barbed wire enema even in Nancy Pelosi’s book.

Before the Dems can even begin to refashion their party, they have to figure out how 14,000,000 Dem voters (who cast their votes for Joe Biden in 2020) disappeared and why?

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The Cheaters

It is the sunny morning of Election Day in Savannah By God Georgia. I have long since voted and I am at peace with the world.

Long lines of Trump supporters waiting to vote. #Garbage

Somewhere — many places I fear — evil people are hard at work trying to steal the election. They are all working for the benefit of Kamala Harris and against the interests of the American people. They are cheating you. This is an assault on the Constitution and our representative republic.

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A Word About Immigration At The Southern Border

Today comes word that the Senate Republicans and their colleagues have arrived at a “bill” to cure the problem at the southern border. All hail, Senator Lankford! Even Cocaine Mitch McConnell says it’s “Great!”

Haha, not so fast, y’all.

In the background is our President, Joe Biden, whining the Congress (the Senate and the House) has to act to give him the authority to control the southern border. He says he doesn’t have the authority to  control the illegal immigrant onslaught at the border!

Wink, wink!

Haha, like it wasn’t Biden’s plan all along to remove the southern border, eh?

“The bad Republicans won’t give me the authority to deal with the Southern border. Woe is I!”

Yeah, well, let’s chat about that, shall we? Continue reading