Sir Winston Churchill on Thanksgiving 1944
On Thanksgiving Day in 1944, Sir Winston Churchill gave a speech at the Royal Albert Hall.
The Brits didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the same manner as did the Americans. His speech was titled:
On Thanksgiving Day in 1944, Sir Winston Churchill gave a speech at the Royal Albert Hall.
The Brits didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the same manner as did the Americans. His speech was titled:
Big Red Car here on a brilliant, sunny Thursday in the New Year. 2019, YOUR year!
Every new year I look for inspiration and for inspiration for my clients. I always find inspiration in Churchill. Surprised?
No, the guy saved the Western World from the scourge of the Nazis at a time when the English had gotten their teeth kicked in by the Germans in France.
After he had overseen the cobbled together evacuation of the English army by pleasure boat across the Channel, he was faced with leading a scared nation whose army had left their heavy weapons in France.
Look into those eyes. See what it looks like to stare down evil, to deliver a message to the Nazis of ultimate, complete, total, unconditional surrender.
Hitler was readying an airborne and seaborne invasion of England called Sea Lion.
So what did Churchill do?
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