Big Red Car here, the A/C crisis dealt with. Which brings me to the dangers of missionary work in the startup world.

Historically, there have been drawbacks to being a missionary. If you fail to convert the audience, they may turn on you.
In the startup world, there are two areas, in particular, in which a founder/CEO/entrepreneur should resist the temptation to do missionary work – meaning attempting to fully convert the audience.
Missionary work, Big Red Car?
By missionary work, dear reader, the Big Red Car means trying to convert an audience sufficiently that they become enthusiastic zealots of the ideas propounded in your presentation.
This shows up in web sites and fundraising pitches all the time.
Web site – no missionary work
Way too many websites become the history and strategy of the company rather than a fair presentation of the good or service with an easy way to say “yes” and to either try or buy the good/service.
Remember what your objective is – to get to 100/1,000/10,000 customers, not to send people to the tattoo parlor to put the company logo on their butts.
Focus on the “call to action” which means you have to define the call to action.
Fundraising – no missionary work
The call to action in fundraising is to get the audience to care. When they care, it will be evidenced by their asking questions.
It is a seven touch process – first pitch to the check clearing – don’t rush it.
Remember this? Of course you don’t, but that’s fine cause you can circle back and read it now.
I am seeing this problem in almost every company with which I work. I also see companies fixing the problem, streamlining their approach, and getting infinitely better results.
But, hey what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. That picture up top – could that just be an early sauna?