
Balmorhea Springs, Texas

Going to be a great day here in the ATX. Why not? It’s Texas and Texas has a lot of very interesting places.

One of them is Balmorhea Springs. It is, technically, a cienega which is a spring located at the foot of a mountain. A cienege is often a wetlands. In this instance, it (an underlying 22-28 million gallons per day spring) was converted into a pool. There is still a cienega from another set of springs. Cinenega — new word for y’all?

Balmorhea Springs

It is a great place to visit and it is a great place to cool off as the water is a constant 72F even in the summertime.

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Trump Ryan Speed Dating

Trump Ryan speed dating? Huh?

Big Red Car here. Rained hard last night. It’s May and we get our rains this time of year. Between now and Memorial Day (when we traditionally have floods), we will get a lot of rain. The lakes are already full, so the potential for flooding is high. Stay tuned.

So, Paul Ryan, and other Congressional GOPe brethren, have granted Donald Trump a Papal audience. I suspect that Donald will not be kissing anyone’s ring. Just guessing.

I predict that Paul Ryan, et al, will fall to Donald’s charms. We shall see. Otherwise, it may get messy.

Ryan beard photo

OK, I grew the beard to look cool and hip. My wife says it’s scratchy. My kids say I look like a dork.

So, what, Big Red Car, is really going on here? Reluctant hand maiden? Blushing bride? Hurt feelings?

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Bush League

Bush league? Huh?

Big Red Car here on a lovely Texas spring day. Ahhh, on Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

So, today we talk about the Bush family.

The Bush family has given us some politicians since the first Bush, Sam Bush, came to the New World in 1647. George HW Bush was the best prepared President in history. he would have been a two term President but for that little shit, Ross Perot, who took 18% of the vote in the Bush-Clinton-Perot 1992 matchup. But, hey, you knew that, right?

They are described by historians as an American political dynasty.

As it turns out, they are also crybabies. Bush league!

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Think Like A CEO – For CEOs Only

Think like a CEO? Do you?

Big Red Car here. Getting back to business in the aftermath of all things Trump. Nice break.

So, The Boss is talking to one of his best CEOs and the Big Red Car is eavesdropping. They’re eating breakfast, the All American Breakfast, at Texas French Bread on 29th Street close to the University and right next to Breed Hardware.

The CEO says, “For the first time, I think I’m starting to think like a CEO.”

The Boss, wanting to concentrate on his scrambled eggs, says, “Do tell. What exactly does that mean?”

Scrambled eggs bacon

There was bacon involved and it was crisp and hot. Thick cut. Maple cured. The scrambled eggs could have been a bit softer but The Boss forgot to suggest that to the waiter.

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Trump, Exclusive Interview

Story line today, Making Trump Great Again?

Big Red Car here. Sort of a grayish day but it’s going to be bright and sunny before it’s over. 55F — brrrr — headed to 85F.

So, yesterday is a big day for one Donald Trump. The Big Red Car calls him on his private cell phone number and we chat for a few minutes.

“So, Mr. Trump, big day, no?” asks me, the Big Red Car.

“Yes, Big Red Car., huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!”

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Military Shrinking, Danger Ahead

The United States of America has always enjoyed a national security and military advantage not afforded to other countries by virtue of being separated from much of the world by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It has provided both safety and a temporal barrier that has given us time and space in which to plan for war.

Other than the War of 1812 and some Mexican border escapades, the US mainland has never really been threatened in a meaningful way. We have never suffered the fate of London or Paris or Berlin.

The Germans in WWII were able to bring the fight to our home waters on the Atlantic with their subs and the Japs shelled the west coast but other than that, these oceans have served us well.

The terrorists of 9-11 broke that safe barrier with their attack.

We live in a different world. That world has a resurgent traditional military threat (Russia, China) and an asymmetrical warfare threat. It has become more, not less, complicated.

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