
The Scold in Chief and Ineffective Leadership

Big Red Car here. Weather getting better in the ATX. Things in the world, however, are not getting better.

Pure evil conveys a great luxury on those who are forces for good. Its purity is so virulent and undiluted that a thinking man does not have to engage in subtle thought to fashion a plan or to justify action. It broadcasts a call to action that is unequivocal. It screams out for a grave and to be laid in that grave.

Nazis, ISIS — so evil that the reaction is instinctive, pure and obvious.

They must be eliminated. There is no other course of action to contemplate. ISIS must be eliminated. Continue reading


Moderate Syrian Rebels = The Easter Bunny?

Big Red Car here. Well, it’s football Saturday here in the ATX. Lot of good games to be watched and studied. About 70F right now but going to be high 80’s and sunny all day. Ahh, the ATX!

So The Boss has some experience training soldiers. He’s a VMI graduate and was a professional soldier who actually ran combat arms units in the US and overseas. He knows something about training and building unit cohesion. He actually did it and knows how difficult it truly can be. Continue reading


Bombing Syrian ISIS Targets

Big Red Car here in a cloudy ATX. Going to be sunny and mid-80s today. Just need an hour or so to burn it all off. Ahhh, the best time of year in the ATX.

So we’ve begun to bomb ISIS targets in Syria. A good move and hats off to the President for pulling the trigger so to speak. Continue reading


Military Science and Advice

Big Red Car here in the sunny and wonderful ATX. Ahhh, it’s good to be in Texas!

So The Boss was a professional soldier and is a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute. He commanded combat engineers both in the United States and overseas. He learned a bit about soldiering. Soldiering was his family’s business — his 96-year old father is retired from the military (infantry) and his late mother served in World War II (yes, his mother wore combat boots). Continue reading


ISIS — Junior Varsity?

Big Red Car here in the ATX. The Boss is in Memphis for a wedding after a week in Miramar and headed to Hilton Head for a few weeks. Sigh, just me and the house sitter?

Haha, house sitter is a very, very bad boy. But I won’t tell. He better get all the bottles and cans cleaned up. Continue reading