Somewhere in the world, there are young Americans standing a watch, flying a patrol, getting ready to take out a combat patrol, defending a position, making us and the world safe.
They were not with their families on Thanksgiving and they will not be with them on Christmas.
But, they will be with all of us whether we acknowledge them or not.
They issue forth from places like Virginia Military Institute and they are the “rough” men (and women) that George Orwell spoke of thusly:
“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”
To those Americans who perform that duty, I say, “Thank you from all of us. Merry Christmas. Be safe and know that a grateful nation appreciates your service.”
To those veterans who served before them, we salute your service.
From those of us who were privileged to have been educated at Virginia Military Institute, know that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John will be there with you.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John — combat veterans of the Civil War and the Mexican War — standing ready to fight tonight under any conditions. Aimed down the parade ground of Virginia Military Institute. Merry Christmas, guns!
Ready to fight tonight.
Merry Christmas.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.