The NGO Grift and Hustle

The acronym “NGO” is cast about a lot in the news, but what exactly is an NGO and what is their hustle? Great question, dear reader.

Always, always, in all ways, follow the bloody money!

What is an NGO?

An NGO is a Non-government Organization which is an odd name since many of them are, in fact, funded by government block grants or perform government contracts thus making them government dependent organizations.

The US government justifies the existence of NGOs by pleading “. . . they meet unmet goals and perform functions that government is currently not meeting . . . “

In the US there are 1,500,000 NGOs and worldwide there are 10,000,000 NGOs. About 1,000 of the US NGOs are in the immigration racket space.

NGOs are cause oriented: children, poverty, food, refugee relief, humanitarian aid, asylum seeking, healthcare, diseases, and legal advocacy.

The IRS provides special tax benefits to appropriately formed NGOs making donations to them tax deductible.

NGOs have, essentially, no reporting requirements and while the USAID says they have strict reporting requirements, that is nonsense since the USAID won’t even divulge who receives their grants.

Where do the NGOs get their money, Big Red Car?

Ahhh, dear reader, look at you — follow the money? Indeed.

NGOs get their money from:

 1. Donations, many tax deductible, from high net worth individuals and not so high net worth donations for which they may advertise;

 2. Government contracts — when the government says the government “does not fit that niche” they often fund NGOs to fill that niche; and,

 3. Grants from government entities such as the US Agency for International Development or the State Department or the Department of Health and Human Services.

So, what’s the grift, the hustle, Big Red Car?

The US government cannot legally spend Federal dollars in support of illegal immigration — wink, wink. So, what they do is provide funding to NGOs (grants and contracts) to “fill the niche” even though it is illegal.

This is why the current turmoil at USAID is so troubling — it exposes the mischief of the former admin and the USAID head, Samantha Powers, in supporting illegal immigration with US taxpayer funding — something that is blatantly and irrefutably illegal.

You will recall this Biden chap threw the entire Southern border open to more than 10,000,000 illegal aliens during his 4-year term in office.

He didn’t just throw the border open, he funded the bloody invasion that ensued.

 1. The USAID provided NGO funding and allowed the NGOs to further provide funding to sub-agents who did the dirty work of encouraging illegal immigration.

USAID keeps no records on sub-agents of its grantees. Haha. Yes, that’s correct. USAID doesn’t monitor where our taxpayer funds go.

 2. Big NGOs simply say, “Well, we did that illegal shit with our private donations.”

Is there more, Big Red Car?

Yes, of course, dear reader, there’s always more.

The NGOs are founded and managed by left wing idealogues who are ardent Democrats. Ever heard of the ACLU? Yep. They have an NGO arm to assist illegals with obtaining refugee status.

 1. The leaders of these NGOs are Dem operatives who are parked in these positions. They are paid fantastic salaries.

 2. These Dem operatives can be counted upon to keep their bloody mouths shut about what they are doing wth the USAID money and their use of pliable and obedient sub-agents.

 3. These Dem operatives and senior NGO managers are handsomely compensated with your tax dollars. They are often being parked here in these organizations.

 4. These well-heeled, high compensated Dem operatives make meaningful contributions to Dem office seekers as donations. It’s money laundering with a political payoff.

Give me some examples of NGOs, Big Red Car

OK, fine. There are 1,000 NGOs involved in the immigration racket. Here are some fairly well known NGOs and what they are up to.

They fall into three broad categories: humanitarian assistance, refugee resettlement, and legal services.


Save the Children

Mercy Corps

ACLU Immigration Project

International Rescue Committee

Catholic Charities

Annunciation House

RAICES (Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services) – almost $100MM in 2023

Bethany Christian Services

International Rescue Commission

World Vision

American Immigration Lawyers Association

So, what are they really doing, Big Red Car?

They’re facilitating the invasion of the United States — 10,000,000 illegals — by illegal aliens.

 1. They provide organizational support to create caravans.

 2. They provide logistical support including food, clothes, and transport through Mexico.

 3. They provide counsel as to the exact words necessary for faux “refugees” to blurt out at the border to qualify for a “credible fear” interview and a court date, often years in the future.

 4. They provide transport support within the United States to arrive at destinations in sanctuary cities in sanctuary states at which they can then receive direct US Federal government support.

NGOs have zero reporting requirements (the tax exempt ones must file a Form 1099 with the IRS, but it shows nothing) and are wildly opaque. They are secretive.

Bottom line it, Big Red Car

It’s a bloody scam and it has been from the beginning.

Nobody has ever been able or willing to reveal the real reasons behind the invasion, but in NYC right now, they are debating whether 800,000 illegal aliens should be able to vote in NYC municipal elections — they were trying to overwhelm the system and create Dem voters from the beginning.

Know what I am really interested to know? How did USAID Director Samantha Powers increase her $6.7MM net worth to $30MM in 3 years while making $180,000 annually? How did she do that?

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.