God Bless Bloody Bayonets
Big Red Car here on America’s birthday. Happy Birthday, America!
Ahh, to be an iconic American muscle car. Hey, I AM an iconic American muscle car, haha! Continue reading
Big Red Car here on America’s birthday. Happy Birthday, America!
Ahh, to be an iconic American muscle car. Hey, I AM an iconic American muscle car, haha! Continue reading
Big Red Car here. The Boss got me out of bed early this morning, so I am inspired to write.
Today we shall chat about bad advice. I was eavesdropping on The Boss at Taco Deli the other day. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Going to be another great day in the ATX. The temperatures are starting to creep up.
The Boss was visiting with one of his London clients and they were discussing the essential nature of good graphic design.
Look at SketchDeck. <<<hyperlink Continue reading
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