Secretary of Defense Lloyd James Austin III – AWOL, MIA, incompetent?

Secretary of Defense Austin had elective prostate cancer surgery in December and failed to notify his chain of command as to his status before or after the event.

Thereafter, he suffered complications — more specifically, a post-operative infection — that necessitated his removal to the intensive care unit at Walter Reed Hospital for more than a week and where he currently resides with the clock still ticking.

This is a big deal because SecDef is a huge responsibility and he is a critical link in the Nuclear Chain of Command.

Whilst in Walter Reed, Secretary Austin failed to notify his chain of command for 3-4 days while he suffered both intense pain and the inability to perform his duties.

There are a myriad of details as to when and how the President was informed his SecDef was out of commission and when Secretary Austin’s deputy — vacationing in Puerto Rico — found out she was in charge, but the details are not important.

What is important is that the American Nuclear Chain of Command was compromised at a time when the US is actively engaged in a number of military engagements wherein American armed forces are in active combat.

Does SecDef Austin have the requisite training?

SecDef Austin was once four star General Austin and has commanded units at the platoon, company, battalion, brigade, division, and corps level. He has commanded entire theaters of combat and is a salty, experienced, and savvy commander.

His career since leaving West Point in 1975 has been nothing short of stellar and he attended the Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, the US Army Command and General Staff College, and the War College and has two advanced degrees.

SecDef Austin sits on the National Security Council and was at the top of the Pentagon’s leadership for years.

One thing SecDef Austin is not is clueless.

Wasn’t his behavior clueless, Big Red Car?

Yes. His behavior is inexcusable and is contrary to every military command principle and protocol imaginable.

Second Lieutenants know to keep the chain of command apprised as to WTF is going on at all times. Second Lieutenants don’t disappear without notifying their commanders.

He left the Nuclear Chain of Command with a missing link and that is just madness.

What should have happened?

Simple, really.

 1. SecDef Austin should have notified his superiors and subordinates of his elective surgery weeks in advance and should have appointed his deputy to assume his duties whilst out of the office lounging around on the operating table.

 2. SecDef should have immediately notified his superiors and subordinates of his emergency status before he left for Walter Reed’s ICU and should have shifted authority to his deputy.

I personally don’t care if the media is notified, but they think they should have been. Screw the media.

 3. The SecDef’s office should have an immediate protocol to notify superiors and subordinates of the location and fitness for duty of the SecDef at all times.

SecDef has an assistant like a general has an aide-de-camp. That assistant should have handled this. This isn’t rocket science.

 4. The White House National Security Council should have a constantly updated status of every member of the NSC and their fitness for duty.

 5. The SecDef’s deputy should not have been in Puerto Rico on vacation when the SecDef was out of the office and should have immediately returned when she learned he was in Walter Reed.

No amount of spin will ever neutralize the seriousness of this cock up. This is not a foot fault or using the wrong fork with shellfish. This is the bloody big leagues and it doesn’t get any bigger. We are talking about a man who is vital to the American nuclear effort.

This was a serious breech of the national nuclear command structure whereby the ability of the POTUS to order a nuclear attack might have been compromised or forestalled because of the unwise actions of one man.

Bottom line it, Big Red Car

Fine, dear reader, here it is —

 1. These guys running the country need to get their shit together and understand this is the big leagues and former 4-star generals are expected to run their shops with some organization and professionalism.

 2. SecDef Austin should get a first rate ass chewing.

Joe Biden — a cowardly, weak Vietnam War Era draft dodger — doesn’t have the chops or nuts to deliver that. I’ll be glad to stand in for him.

 3. SecDef Austin needs to put in place an SOP and protocol whereby this never, ever happens again.

 4. SecDef Deputy needs an ass chewing. When the boss goes down, you return to base and put on your game face.

You do not bloody well lay about on the beach in Puerto Rico, chica. Shame on you.

Should the SecDef be canned? Nope. One of the things we need to get over is this nonsense of not being willing to accept a cockup without cancelling people.

I do not like a good number of SecDef Austin’s policies: recruiting, focus on DEI, ‘Vid vax, wokeness, abortion, transgender, witch hunt for extremists in the ranks that turned up nada, and the sheer size of the force. But, he’s President Biden’s guy and the POTUS is allowed at all times to have his guy.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.

I really would like to give the SecDef a damn good ass chewing. He needs one.

Get well and have a quick recovery, Lloyd.