
Big Red Rules — 2017 I Edition — Debutantes and Values

Debutantes and values? Huh?

Big Red Car here on another glorious ATX, on Earth as it is in Texas, morning. Little late getting to the computer this morning.

Back in the day, I used to send y’all some Big Red Rules — rules for regulating your life and view of the world. When we blew through Big Red Rules X (twice as I recall), we shelved the project. Recently, I’ve gotten a lot of heat for some new rules and a redux of the old ones. So, here goes.

Today we review Values and Debutantes. An oldie and a new goodie. Enjoy.

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Repeal & Replace — TAXES

Repeal & Replace taxes, Big Red Car?

Big Red Car here on a spectacular Texas morning in May, the kind of day which fuels your passions and diminishes your troubles. On Earth as it is in Texas! Alternatively: Make America Texas Again? [Doing some A/B testing is the Big Red Car?]

So, the Republicans and their Trumpeteer were in the Rose Garden at the White House for a self-congratulatory orgy post the Repeal & Replace of Obamacare.

Trump and Ryan

“Paulie Boy, you did it.” “Thank you, Mr. President. It’s a crappy plan, but it’s the best I could get these crazy Republicans to vote for. Nancy Pelosi said ‘HI.'”

Some, like me, will say it’s a tad premature what with those balky chaps over at the Senate. I have other complaints but they will wait. Today we talk Repeal & Replace TAXES.

Yes, dear reader, our “healthcare” monstrosity was really a tax bill in disguise and those clever Republicans smoked it out.

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US Budget and Other Bedtime Fables

The US budget, Big Red Car? Couldn’t you come up with anything more boring?

Big Red Car here on a perfectly delightful Texas day — convertible weather, y’all.

So, today, we chat about the US budget. [Boring, Big Red Car. Can we talk about … anything … else? No, dear reader, please be quiet and eat your vegetables. Act like an adult.]

This week the Congress passed a CR (continuing resolution) to fund the government through the end of September when the government’s fiscal year ends. It was a piece o’ crap, but that is not the story today. The story is what is a continuing resolution?

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