
How Deep Does The Media Corruption Really Go?

Yesterday I posted about the horrific reveleations about the conduct of the US Agency for International Development — please focus on that word “International.”

Today, comes this nugget: USAID funded POLITICO — a left leaning “domestic” media property — to the tune of $8,200,000 over the last 4 years. 

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Who’s Been Swimming Naked?

Donald J Trump swept into office like a bloody tsunami and now (comfortably esconced in government housing) is letting the water recede to reveal who’s been swimming naked.

WTF does that mean, Big Red Car?

What I mean is this Trump fellow made a lot of campaign promises and signed a lot of Executive Orders and we can now see — SEE — whether those promises were real or just shiny stuff to attract votes. [Politicians are known to lie to us for our votes.]

Bit more specificity, Big Red Car?

Certainly, dear reader. The Trump 2.0 promises us a sleeker government and today he locked out the offices of the US AID (Agency for International Development) and indicated their functions will be folded into the Department of State. He had previously halted all foreign aid programs for 90 days (another campaign promise made good upon).

Boom — locked out! Sort of a bold stroke. Imagine arriving for work as a government employee as say 10:19AM and finding your workplace locked?

Can we get some back story, Big Red Car?

For a bit of background, let’s explore from whence USAID came to be and what it does.

 1. In 1961, President John Kennedy wanted to counter the Soviet hegemony and expansion around the world. He convinced Congress to pass the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to marshal funds to counter the Soviets.

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