
A Story for You

Big Red Car here in a dripping ATX day. It is the kind of day for a long nap and some football.

The Boss is down in Houston for a wedding and I’m left with the house sitter and NO prospect of a ride with the top down.

The house sitter is usually good for a bit of wilding but not today. Too much rain.

So, I was rummaging through The Boss’s computer and found his stock of short stories. Continue reading


A in Tactics

Big Red Car here.  One of The Boss’s secrets is that he is a prolific short story writer usually under a pseudonym.  I pried one recent story out of his computer and let it get some air time over on Scribd.com.

Do not tell The Boss cause he might get vexed with me.  Who knows?  He’s a bit touchy about his writing.

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