
Writing and One Story

Writing, One Story, and short stories.

Big Red Car here in the ATX celebrating the Tarheels victory against Kentucky last night. Is this a great country or what? Hook ‘Em Heels!

While waiting for the games to start, I read. I read short stories from One Story.

One Story prints them in cute, colorful publications which it sells for $2.50/each.


One Story — a new short story every month for the rest of time.

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A Story for You

Big Red Car here in a dripping ATX day. It is the kind of day for a long nap and some football.

The Boss is down in Houston for a wedding and I’m left with the house sitter and NO prospect of a ride with the top down.

The house sitter is usually good for a bit of wilding but not today. Too much rain.

So, I was rummaging through The Boss’s computer and found his stock of short stories. Continue reading


Everyone Writes — Read This Book

Big Red Car here. It is convertible weather in the ATX. The azaleas will be here in a month. It is feeling like spring.

So The Boss is a reader like nobody you’ve ever seen. The guy has a business book, a history, a trashy beach book, a self improvement book, a novel cooking at all times. He has a few on deck waiting for his future consideration.

He has read a book that needs reading by YOU! Continue reading