One of the keys to personal development and success in business is reading, y’all.
Big Red Car here on a early Tuesday morning (40F headed to 49F and cloudy) with a lot to do today, but I will find the time to read for an hour today without fail.
Reading is the difference between being the King of the Jungle or a cub. Not bad to be a cub, but you, dear reader, want to be the King of the Jungle, don’t you?
The Big Red Car is fond of telling CEOs that there are four things a CEO must do to be successful:
1. Get up early and go to work. Work.
2. Stay late (sometimes, not all the time). Put in the hours.
3. Work hard.
4. Spend an hour reading and studying your profession or industry. <<< This is the one nobody ever does. Do you? Haha, no, you don’t, do you. Well, get on track!
What to read
Read something which has an impact on your business or profession. Today, the Big Red Car is reading about crisis management as evidenced in the lives of military commanders in history. You will recall that the Big Red Car has a huge appreciation for George Washington as a crisis manager. Remember this?
George Washington — The Ultimate Crisis Leader
The Big Red Car is a huge fan of George Washington. You may want to read these posts also.
George Washington – American Entrepreneur
George Washington, America’s First Entrepreneur and Startup Genius
Hey, go back and read that stuff. It can be your “reading” for today.
Call to action, Big Red Car?
The call to action is easy:
1. Take thirty minutes and make yourself a reading list.
2. Get the material.
3. Schedule an uninterrupted hour — no technology, no cell phone — and read.
4. Read, repeat.
5. Keep track of what you read and in six months you will be amazed — AMAZED — at how much you have done.
I promise you you will stimulate your mind and one day you will say, “Hey, that’s just like something I read about. Like George Washington at Trenton?”
You got this.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Be good to yourself today and read.