Big Red Car here. Another beauty in the ATX. All of ya’ll suffering in NYC know that it is 86F, bit humid, and sunny here in the ATX. Summer continues for a few more weeks.
So The Boss was pontificating with one of his VMI classmates as to effectiveness of bombing campaigns.
When you go graduate from a military school, well, you talk about bombing. Funny sort of conversation.
Here’s the thing, bombing is not particularly effective if you give the recipient time to prepare for the bombs to start falling.
This is what military school grads call — losing or compromising the element of tactical surprise. They consider it a dumb way to conduct warfare. They love tactical surprise and hate it when it gets misplaced or otherwise compromised.
Said another way — if you tell someone that you are going to bomb them and what kind of stuff you intend to bomb and what kinds of bombs you intend to use, guess what?
They will move the really good stuff out of the zone of vulnerability. The Big Red Car made that phrase up — the zone of vulnerability. But doesn’t it sound like something that bomb planners would actually say?
In the end of 1944 when we had been bombing the BeJesus out of the Germans with night and day 1,000 plane raids with fighter cover being launched from captured fields in France — German military production hit an all time high. Again, German military production hit an all time high.
This was because they hid their means of production and tricked the Allied bombers. Hardly seems right now in retrospect, right?
Pro tip: If you give Syria a month or so to hide their juicy targets, guess what? We won’t hit spit.
But, hey what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m not a bomber, I’m just a Big Red Car.