Big Red Car here on the morning after a shellacking by Ted Cruz on Donald Trump in Wisconsin. Well played, Lying Ted.
Lying Ted took 36 delegates while Bombastic Donald was left with table scraps of 6 delegates. Donald can’t be happy with that, can he? Hell, he even brought Melania to stump for him. Strong. Very strong!
All this talk of delegates. I thought we were a democracy and just “electing” a nominee. Right? Hey, Big Red Car, right?
Haha, so charming you are. Let me catch my breath and carsplain this to y’all.
Jabba the Hutt, the Republican Party party animal
The Republican Party (I have a mental image of Jabba the Hutt all pinstriped, tie shoed, and drinking a fat whiskey in a thick crystal glass with a single huge ice cube cause everything the Republicans and Jabba do is FAT) is run by a coterie of insiders who control its fortunes.
That little beastie on the left side? That’s YOU, dear voter. Sorry.
They elect an RNC (Republican National Committee) which every four years pretends to go through a nominating process which is “democratic.” The RNC is run by a guy named “Reince” being the only such person thusly named in the entire world. Maybe the universe.
It is an arcane process in which “delegates” are actually empowered and required to vote for certain nominees based upon how the votes — your pathetic little vote, dear reader — direct them to vote. This year, there is likely to be no clear nominee and then the real fun begins.
What a charming and naive utterance, Big Red Car. Charming.
The Republican Convention is a gathering of the party faithful at which the delegates are allowed to do whatever the Rules Committee tells them they can and have to do. They are like sock puppets and guess who the puppeteer is? Not YOU, voter person.
As an example, when Mitt Romney — remember him? — was winning the 2012 nomination, he objected to Ron Paul receiving any note at the convention. Any voice at all.
It was to be a coronation, not a struggle and the RNC had already given the crown to Mitt. [Note: “Mitt does not play nice with others. Fails to share his toys with others.” Direct quote from a Mitt Romney pre-K private school report card.]
So, the Rules Committee — the real power at the convention — passed a rule that nobody could be considered for the nomination who had not won at least 8 states in their pursuit of the nomination. Called Rule 40(b) and it would preclude the consideration of John Kasich and others who have not won anything or who are not even in the running.
Given the plans of the GOPe, this is going to be a problem.
Haha, no it isn’t, Big Red Car, cause the Rules Committee is going to change it. Haha. You are so sweet when you look disappointed at being screwed.
Bottom line it, Big Red Car
The GOPe is going to dictate the party’s nominee as it always has. The Rules Committee will set the process up so the GOPe candidate can win.
The DELEGATES pick the nominee not the voters. It doesn’t make any difference how many votes Donald Trump gets, he is NOT getting the nomination while the GOPe has any breath in their bodies and you, you pathetic little whiners, can’t do anything about it.
The GOPe has gone all in against Trump. Maybe he deserves it, maybe not.
They are holding their nose and backing Lying Ted, he who they originally hated but now they’ve decided they hate less than Donald Trump.
The funny thing is that Princeton/Harvard, Bush administration, Texas solicitor general Ted Cruz is as GOPe as it gets. What would one add to his resume to make him more GOPe? His only flaw, as far as the GOPe is concerned, is that he’s a thoroughly unlikeable creep.
Six women naked with this creep? Haha, six people wouldn’t want to be in the same room if they were dressed in wet suits and he was serving TexMex. He’s an unlikeable creep whose college roommate used to take pity on and invite to college parties. Creepy.
Outsider, you say? Huh, the guy has been on the GOPe sugar tit since he got out of law school. Even his wife, the Heidi person, worked for the Bush campaign before going to work for ….. key the Darth Vader background music ….. Goldman Sachs. Da da da dum!
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Haha, you thought the voters picked the nominee? So charming. So naive. So Trumpish.