Big Red Car here. Quiet early Saturday morning. No weather reports today because it’s going to be 70F this afternoon and I don’t want to jinx it.
So The Boss was surfing the Internet and came upon something very startling.
Grande Communications is going to start offering 1Gig Internet service in Pemberton Heights, Austin, Texas — where The Boss and I both live — starting in March of 2014. March is next month, ya’ll.
Austin has a myriad of Internet servers including AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner and Grande Communications.
The Boss uses Grande and is currently at 65MBS service. When tested on SpeedTest it typically shows 55-65mps download and 3.9mbp upload speed.
Grande is going to be offering 1000mps or 1gigps for an additional $10 expense. Only $10 more.
Why, Big Red Car, why?
Simple, Grasshopper, competition.
Google Fiber blew into town and wowed everyone with the notion that it was going to be offering 1gig service if we would all just hold our breath for a few months.
Lots of fanfare, lots of promise, no reality just yet.
Grande Communications, on the other hand, is signing folks up for a March 2014 hook up date — for 1gigps service!
Today one can have 110mps from Grande, 300mps from AT&T, 50mps from Time Warner — these are actual service levels. Now. Prices are comparable given levels of service. No big surprises.
The power of competition
Well, it goes without saying that competition brings out the best in business and ourselves.
Competition is the ultimate test of potential and reality. When Google Fiber announced that they would provide their Gigabit service —1gigps Internet — in Austin everyone swooned. The Boss swooned. The Big Red Car swooned.
Then little old Grande Communications made it a reality as of next month. Now, the Big Red Car is still skeptical as there is many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip. Still, it seems bloody likely that it is going to happen while Google Fiber has still to announce a schedule. Swoons are schedule starting next month. Book yours now.
In everything you do — test yourself, better the competition. Win.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.