Big Red Car here. Ahhh, back in the ATX with The Boss and it’s going to be warm and sunny and, Hell, perfect.
On Earth as it is in Texas!
So The Boss had an early morning coffee with one of his CEOs and they go to talking about the character of leadership and how it infects and colors an organization.
They’re always watching
Dear CEO, founder, entrepreneur — your folks (be they co-founders, top management, workers, the receptionist) are always watching and learning from YOU.
Lack the common touch, take the closest parking place, flaunt your wealth — they see it and they either admire or reject it. They will ultimately reflect you. They will emulate it.
Tell a small and seemingly inconsequential lie? You will get back small and inconsequential lies in return. You will set the tone and conduct. As you sow…..
Some time ago, The Boss had the occasion in a public forum to pose some probing questions and to evaluate their answers. The answers were not fully truthful and they were obvious. Everybody knew it.
“Well, I’m not sure.”
“I can’t recall.”
All things that were obviously obfuscation because the truthful answers were either awkward or uncomfortable. What was worse was that the obfuscation was obvious and stilted. Worse still the answerer’s colleagues knew that the answers were not truthful. Hmmm, they had an example to follow in the future because a tone had been set for them.
The atmosphere
President Obama is a liar. Won’t get much argument on that score from any intellectually honest observer. Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS, OBAMAcare, NSA — take your pick. Lots of “people will be held accountable” and thus far his words and actions are vacationing in different hemispheres.
Govern Christie is a bully.
Park you politics at the door and evaluate the atmospheres both of these men created in the ecosystem of governance around them.
In the atmosphere is which truth is trampled, it is easy to see more and bigger lies being promulgated. Why not? The leader has set the tone. You will attract liars and you will grow lies like weeds.
In the atmosphere where bullying is almost a virtue, it is easy to see that the top management is going to provide more of what? Bullying. Who closes down a few lanes of the busiest bridge in the US to punish a Democratic Mayor who failed to kiss the Governor’s ring? A bully. A mean spirited small person. This is just the work of a bully and the leader has set the tone.
CEOs, be careful and attentive to the atmosphere you allow to be generated by your personal example. It will become the air that you folks breathe. Make it sweet and productive.
It grows and multiplies
Perhaps the worst thing about setting an atmosphere of any negative characteristic within a company is the insidious manner in which it grows and multiplies. The biggest lies are spawned from small little wigglers and then become huge problems coloring the entire organization. Defining the character of the organization and its management.
This is from whence whistleblower notions have evolved. Whistleblowers can call bullshit on out of control negative characteristics which are often unethical and illegal.
While every situation will not become so desperate as to warrant the intervention of a whistleblower, CEOs are encouraged to ensure that their personal conduct has a favorable impact on the development of the culture of their company. To do otherwise is to risk your long term employment by your own company.
It takes years to build a reputation and only seconds to destroy one.
For parents reading this, remember this story. It applies to you also, my friends.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Take care of your sweet selves and be kind to a convertible today. I’ll be watching you.