
Reading – For CEOs Only

Reading, what king of reading for a CEO?

Big Red Car here talking only to CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs and innocent bystanders.

What is one to read when they are a CEO? What works, entertains, and teaches.

The Big Red Car sayeth: “Read military history, particularly biographical books. You, Madame CEO, are a similar crisis leader.”

Here’s a new favorite: General Oliver Prince Smith, USMC.

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Do Not Screw With the US Marine Corps — Marines — Good Advice for Enemies and Friendlies, No?

Big Red Car here. Well, the day has dawned and it is bright, sunny, and cold. Still flirting with 52F as a high. This is winter!

On Earth as it is in Texas. Winter good in the ATX.

So, the Navy Secretary, one Ray Mabus, has sent a scolding memorandum to the United States Marine Corps,the Marines, telling them to get with integrating women into the Marine combat arms including specifically the infantry.

The policy decision was made on 3 December 2015 but already the Sec Navy is in the “scolding” mode. Huh?

Mabus is a former Democratic Governor of Mississippi and has been a loyal Obama acolyte since his 2009 appointment as Navy Secretary. The Marines, of course, fall under the Navy in the Pentagon.

He also served as Bill Clinton’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Continue reading