Ukraine, NATO — Let’s Cut the Crap
Big Red Car here. Happy Easter!
OK, let’s cut the crap on the issue of the Ukraine and the implications for Europe and NATO. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Happy Easter!
OK, let’s cut the crap on the issue of the Ukraine and the implications for Europe and NATO. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Nice weather all week in the ATX. Bad situation getting worse in the Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
There are those students of history who will opine the seeds for World War II were planted when British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announced on 30 September 1938 he and a fellow named Adolph Hitler had achieved “…peace in our time…” by their signing of the Munich Agreement. The results thereafter would prove Chamberlain to be wrong, very wrong. The world would be plunged into seven years of conflict culminating with the US unleashing nuclear weapons on the Japanese in 1945.
Big Red Car here. Going to be another great day in paradise. Paradise being Austin by God Texas, ya’ll. Going to be about 75F here today.
So, unless you’ve been in outer space for a couple of weeks, you’re probably aware that Secretary of State John F Kerry has given Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Russians until Monday to withdraw from Crimea and to stop threatening Ukraine with a Russian invasion. Whew! Continue reading
Big Red Car here. SXSW in the ATX, ya’ll. Big time — 250,000 nerds and hipsters can’t be wrong can they?
That’s a lot of energy. Speaking of energy, let’s discuss the following hypothesis. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Well, I got The Boss to return to the ATX. The old boy had enough of Sun Valley and Steamboat Springs and spring skiing. Back to the ATX in time for SXSW and 300 people in line for cabs at the airport. Never saw so many nerds in my life.
The mess in the Ukraine is not over and the potential for the Ukrainian military to brush up against the Russians continues to heighten with each passing day. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Nice day in the ATX. Lousy day in the Ukraine made a bit lousier by the inability to deal with Vladimir Putin — the Russian Bear.
Charlie Rose had an interesting interview with several former US Secretaries of State including Henry Kissinger. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. The Boss still refuses to come home while the skiing is good in Steamboat Springs. Can you blame him? Poor boy has been skiing in Sun Valley and the Boat for a few weeks.
Come on home, Boss. Please. We miss you. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Weather in the ATX has been a bit dicey. Oh, well, it’s winter, I guess.
So the situation in the Ukraine is getting a bit murky but it is all based on a few very simple concepts. Continue reading
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