
Twenty-fifth Amendment to the US Constitution

A gray, rainy day in the ATX — a good day to trim trees?

So, lately we’re been hearing a lot of talk about the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the US Constitution. Let’s do some research, shall we?

Here’s a picture of the Founding Fathers in Philadelphia hammering out the Constitution. The US Constitution was drafted over a period of 116 days from 25 May 1787 to 17 September 1787.

The American Revolution ended on 3 September 1783. It took a long time to finalize the Constitution and it had a provision to amend it.

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First, contrary to the talking heads, the 25th Amendment was not the work of the Founding Fathers. I listened to an idiot on Fox News for half an hour talking about what the Founding Fathers intended.

The 25th Amendment was submitted to the states on 6 July 1965. It was ratified on 10 February 1967.

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Venezuela — A Huge Concern

Big Red Car here enjoying the warm, gray days in the ATX. OK, had the air conditioning on yesterday afternoon! Hello, America.

So, the USA has been distracted by all the distractions and has not been paying attention to Venezuela and Russia.

You know that Russia has been meddling in our hemisphere for some time: Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. These countries have welcomed Russian assistance because they are economic basket cases.

[Hey, what happened to the Monroe Doctrine? <<<link]

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“Wow, Vlad, you’re a little shit, aren’t you?”

Stop — Venezuela used to be the wealthiest country in South America with the largest known oil reserves in the world. They have 300,000,000,000 recoverable barrels of oil lurking below the surface. Still, somehow, they have managed to find a way to turn into a shithole [talking to you, socialism].

Cuba was once the wealthiest Caribbean island, but Fidel Castro and communism killed that baby.

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Exclusive Interviews

OK, yesterday the Big Red Car posted an exclusive interview with the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi. You can read it here.

Nancy Pelosi – an Exclusive Interview

A reader of the female, legal persuasion wrote me a scathing email — I am still blushing at her language, but a blush on a Big Red Car is hard to detect — in which she doubted whether, in fact, the Big Red Car had spoken directly to Madame Speaker.

“You are a bald faced liar,” were her exact words. It is hard to quote a sentence from her email without exposing y’all to profanity. She called me a “rust bucket” which is, unfortunately, true.

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Nancy Pelosi – an Exclusive Interview

Big news today, y’all. Your Big Red Car has snagged an exclusive interview with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi is the 78-year old Speaker of the House for a second time. She represents approximately 80% of the City of San Francisco (if people are taking a dump on your block, call Nancy) and has served in the Congress since the Holy Ghost was a Private First Class.

OK, she has served for 32 years and will serve through 34 when she finishes this term. [Term limits. The Big Red Car is in favor of term limits.]

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“You thought he, President McDonald Trump, had a chance? I was running the House when he was banging porn stars and Playboy bunnies. Please!”

We met at a coffee shop in West Austin where she was nibbling a croissant and drinking a “shot in the dark” — three shots of espresso in a black cup of coffee.

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Generals v Politicians

Big Red Car here on a sunny Christmas Eve awaiting Christmas and the Prince of Peace which brings me to the subject of generals, politicians, and wars.

As a soldier (combat engineer officer), I spent a lot of time around generals. As a class of the species, they represent the top 0.1% of any year group of officers. The road to the top is a meritocracy and a very tough one. [Sure, there are some political generals, but as a general assessment they are the best of the best — if they remember to stay in their lane.]

Generals are at the top of their profession which is to wage war against the enemies of the United States and WIN.

Trump: Mattis out as of Jan. 1; deputy to be acting chief

Resigned Secretary of Defense James N Mattis, former USMC General.

The part about winning is an essential element in the General business.

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President Grinch

So, dear readers, you have probably learned by now that President Trump/Grinch has cancelled the 2018 Christmas party that the White House usually throws for the media — two parties, actually, one for the print media and one for the broadcast media.

“Donald, you cancelled the media Christmas parties?” “Yes, honey, I did. Gosh this feels great.”

The media has enjoyed these parties which provide a taxpayer funded feast, tours of the White House decorations, and interminable pictures with POTUS and FLOTUS in front of the Christmas tree.

Admit it, you would go and send that pic to your mother and the third grade English teacher who told you you were a loser.

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Jim Acosta — Exclusive Interview

So, the Big Red Car scored an exclusive interview with Jim Acosta of CNN. You will recall that he recently was put in timeout by the Trump administration for misbehaving at a Presidential press conference.

In case you don’t know who he is, here is a picture of Jim at the White House before a press conference.

“Dear Diary, look it’s me and President Trump. Wow, look at me. Great hair, huh? Had it styled for today. That son-of-a-bitch Sam Donaldson had a bald noggin and a fake toupee. I have real hair and I’m real news. Real hair. Real news. Jimmy the Reporter Acosta. Yeah!”

As we are headed to print, a Federal Judge has ruled that too many people are being mean to Jim and that he should get his press pass back because he’s nice enough.

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North Korea Expectations

North Korea – whassup?

Big Red Car here on a lovely Saturday morning back from blueberry pancakes at the Counter Cafe, y’all. Is this a great country or what?

So, I have been following the continuing saga with North Korea and their de-nuclearization. The story continues.

Let’s update it a bit, shall we?

US Secretary of State Pompeo meeting with North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho in Singapore at the ASEAN Conference. I think our guy can take him.

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