
Impeachment — how does that make you feel?

Today, I am in the prop wash of the Congress going on its 10-day Thanksgiving vacay. It must be nice.

[The House didn’t have a chance to run that USMCA — United States Mexico Canada Agreement — the NAFTA replacement through for a vote, but they had plenty of time to deal with Ukraine and investigating President Trump. Maybe they can get back to the real business when they return from Thanksgiving. Oh, no. Then we have Christmas. Ooops.]

It has given me time to study the impeachment phenomenon.

I come away with a longish yawn and here’s why.

The Congress — specifically Adam Schiff’s Band of Boobs (includes you, Republicans) spent the last week asking people who got fired from their post as Ambassador to Ukraine, “How did that make you feel?”

Stop — is there anybody on the planet who doesn’t think former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch doesn’t feel . . . . . BAD? Sheesh. 

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The Best Exit Strategies Entail An Actual Exit

The situation in Syria has been FUBAR (fucked up beyond all recognition) since its inception during the Obama admin when we armed parties whose primary merit was that they opposed the evil, cruel, murderous regime of Bashar al-Assad, a second generation murderer who has used poison gas against his own people.

This is the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend, even if they are a little suspect” theory of foreign relations. This is the kind of thinking you get when the leadership has slept through history class and made “D’s” in summer school when they had to take it a second time.

This clown on the right, with the ringmaster from Russia (ever notice what a little shit Putin is), is Bahar al-Assad, who is an eye doctor educated in England. Couple of first rate assholes. [Pardon my profanity.]

You may recall that President Obama courageously “red-lined” Bashar, threatened to retaliate against him if he used chemical weapons. Then President Obama, famously, punked out and did nothing, thereby emboldening Bashar.

Shit, shit, shit, shit. Pardon me. I hate stupid. I hate bullshitters. Shit. I hate poseurs as much as I hate fakirs. Sorry, I’m over it now.

President Trump came into office and did the same thing — threatened Bashar with massive retaliation if he used chemical weapons. President Trump, however, kept his promised threat and struck Syria twice — the first time knocking out an airfield and twenty percent of Syria’s air force, and the second time destroying the headquarters and infrastructure of the Syrian chemical effort.

Well played, President Trump. I like a guy who keeps his promises.

This settled things down a little in Syria. But, we are no longer in the regime change mode.

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The Deep State — Hidden In Plain Sight

There is some controversy swirling about in Washington, the District of Columbia, pertaining to the President — this fellow Trump, Donald J Trump, guy who unexpectedly won the election back in 2016 — and the Congress. I think — check me on this — that the Democrats in Congress want to remove the President from office.

Odd sort of thing. We’re a year from an election. Why not let the ballot box do that?

Oh, well. But, I did stumble on something so unusual that I thought I needed to bring it to your attention.

It pertains to the Deep State and the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, this guy — Michael Atkinson.


WTF is the Deep State, Big Red Car?

The Deep State is an imaginary — maybe no? — layer of folks who have wiggled deeply into the corpus and organs of our government, fastened themselves thereto like barnacles, and pride themselves on outlasting any elected administration.

The President may serve for eight years, but the Deep State lasts forever. In this fashion, they pay lip service to the admin all the while executing on their own peculiar vision of how things ought to be.

Some say up to removing a President who threatens to wrest their power from them. It is true in all branches of the government.

So, one is forced to ask — Who is the Deep State? Where do they reside? Are they even real?

So, I bring to you the story of the Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael Atkinson.

By all accounts, Mike is considered a great guy by his peers. More about that later.

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The American Presidency

No man, with the possible exception of General of the Army Dwight David Eisenhower, has ever been ready to become President of the United States on day one.

The job is bigger than any man, more complex than any man’s experience, throws him into a malestrom of competing voices and opinions while uniquely challenging its holder to make life-and-death decisions beginning day one. Looking at that sentence, I believe that Ike was ready to go right after the Inauguration.

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Trump’s Folly — Greenland

Don’t let the title fool you, I am in favor of the United States buying Greenland and its 844,000 square miles of ice. I don’t really care that it was President Trump’s idea meaning I could like something even when it is disqualified by being an idea from “that” guy. [Tongue, meet cheek.]

Of course, it is not President Trump’s idea.

That distinction belongs to Senator Owen Brewster of Maine who spun the idea up in 1945. That idea was first proposed to the Danes by President Truman’s Secretary of State in 1946 and the US’s opening bid was $100,000,000. Classified archives burst open in 1991 revealing this nugget.

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The Day Decorum Died in the US Congress

Spoiler alert — this is a blog post about how the US Congress is wasting their time and our money while engaged in meaningless self-flagellation.

So, President Donald J Trump unleashed the power of Twitter in his inimitable style. It offended a few folks.

There is no novelty amongst that trio — Trump, Twitter, folks taking offense. Let me take that a step further — if Trump is tweeting, he is pissing people off.

Pro tip: He does it on purpose. It’s part of his schtick. When you react to it, you are doing exactly what he wants you to do. He got elected using his Twitter antics. He is the King of Twitter. He will only stop when you stop feeding the beast.

Amongst those offended were The Squad. The Squad — also known as AOC Plus Three — had flung some invective his direction and he responded with Tweets that they classified as RACIST.


Calling somebody a racist these days is the new normal. The word itself has lost any grounding in the English language. If anybody disagrees with another, they are a racist. It is slipping into the lexicom like the word “dude.”

I have a pal with whom I enjoy discussing the issues of the day. Before we start chatting, we both say, “Dude, you’re a hopelessly clueless racist.” That keeps us from having to build to that crescendo. Gets us off on the right foot.

BTW, I think you are a racist. Glad we got that out of the way.

This happened after AOC implied Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was also a racist for singling out The Squad — The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse — for picking on them because they were “women of color.”

Nancy, trying to ingratiate herself with AOC suggested that any Dem in “her” district could get elected including a GLASS OF WATER. Ouch. So we had some raw nerves amongst the Speaker (Wily Coyote), AOC, and The Squad.

Image result for images aoc

There is no quicker trigger finger in the Congress than Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when it comes to hurling racist invective. You’re drawing your six gun and Alex has already fired and hit you twice, amigo.

I dig AOC.

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Eyes on China

The US – China relationship was kicked into gear by President Trump on many levels. When he took office, the Chinese had just seized a dozen reefs and atolls in the South China Sea, fortified them, and installed advanced weaponry that could control sea lanes through which 40% of international commerce flowed. Every step of the way, the Chinese lied as to their intentions.

The Chinese said the initial sand reclamation programs were to stabilize the atolls, not to build 12,000 foot long runways capable of receiving or launching every plane in the Chinese military inventory.

President Trump and President-For-Life Xi met face-to-face and our President said things to Xi, things that had been left unsaid for decades.

“Hey, President-For-Life Xi, you Chinese are cheaters in the trade game. You’re stealing our tech, you’re manipulating your currency, and you’re blocking access to your markets to great American companies, all the while enjoying unfettered access to the American market. That isn’t right.”

“So what, Orange Man?” President-For-Life Xi retorted. “What are you going to do about it?”

“I’m going to talk shit at you — something I am very good at. I’m going to give you a chance to negotiate a trade treaty to fix these problems. Then, I am going to slap tariffs on you if we can’t make a deal. You need us a lot more than we need you.”

“Why don’t we negotiate about this, Mr. President Donald J Trump?” President-For-Life Xi asked, hoping the negotiations would be long and the status quo could be maintained. Maybe President-For-Life Xi hoped President Trump would not be re-elected. Who knows?

See the source image

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