
Terrorists on Terror

Big Red Car here on a glorious, cold ATX day, y’all.

In Tehran, three days ago, there was a conference about fighting terrorism — yes, you read that correct.  In the capital of the nation which is the largest state sponsor of terrorism there was a conference on fighting terrorism.

Amongst the participants — six nation invitees — were Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, China, and Russia.

One could fairly single out Iran and Turkey as being cesspools of terror support. Pakistan is up there.

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Call to Action

Big Red Car here. Cold day in the ATX, feeling sorry for myself.

We know where the terrorists are being trained. We know the routes they take to get there. We can see their movement.

What are we waiting for? This is what is called a “call to action” wherein we find them, fix them and kill them. Time to interdict the travel pathways. Continue reading