
Syria — Putin’s Coming Out Party Part Two

Big Red Car here on a glorious Friday — sunny, clear, crisp but going to warm up this afternoon just the way we like it in the ATX.

So, Vlad the Pute is turning the Russian military loose in Syria to strut its stuff. Keep your eye on this development as it will be a huge change in the future of the Middle East. No conjecture here — this will be huge. Count on it.

The Russian military has historically been held in very low esteem by professional observers. It was once a brute force that overwhelmed its enemies (most famously in World War II) with sheer numbers and material rather than expertise, strategy, and tactics. It was always thought of as being a little technologically backward particularly when compared with the Americans and NATO. Continue reading


Blundering Into War — Syria, the United States, Russia

Big Red Car here. Here being the peaceful ATX — Austin by God Texas.

Wishing the world nothing but peace on this lovely sunny Texas day.

We have an incredibly large opportunity to blunder our way into an armed confrontation in the Middle East — well, two actually.

The first is the dog meat agreement with Iran.

The more subtle one is the situation in Syria. Continue reading


Lines, Red Lines, Deadlines

Big Red Car here.  Going to be another great day in paradise.  Paradise being Austin by God Texas, ya’ll.  Going to be about 75F here today.

So, unless you’ve been in outer space for a couple of weeks, you’re probably aware that Secretary of State John F Kerry has given Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Russians until Monday to withdraw from Crimea and to stop threatening Ukraine with a Russian invasion.  Whew! Continue reading