
Lazy Republicans

Big Red Car here on a cloudy Texas day. Still, it is Texas and that’s alright. What is not alright is lazy Republicans.

So, the Republicans are in charge of the House and the Senate and are going to be taking 22 days off in the month of April.

And, the Big Red Car sayeth, “You are some lazy bums, Republicans. You are really only going to pretend to work for 8 of 30 days and are going to take 22 days off?”

While I am taking issue with the lazy Republicans, would you indulge me with a couple of other rants? Thank you.

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House/Senate Republicans Denied Access to Men’s Rooms

Big Red Car here. The Boss is in the ‘Boat sliding down the slopes with little sticks attached to his big feet. Why? Why, Boss?

Meanwhile, here in the ATX, me and the house sitter are enjoying the 65F sunny weather with the top down. Haha. Do not tell The Boss.

So, in a surprise announcement the House and the Senate Republicans were caught flat footed when the Capitol police informed them that they would no longer be allowed to use the men’s rooms in the Capitol and the Capitol Complex. Continue reading


The Republicans Did NOT Win the Election

Big Red Car here. Rained all night in the ATX but not as bad a night as it was for the Democrats who spent the night peeing on their own legs. Ouch!

The Republicans did not really win, the Democrats — especially President Obama — lost. The fury of the American voter was unleashed and, apparently, the American voter is very angry. This is why we have elections. Continue reading