
Repeal & Replace — TAXES

Repeal & Replace taxes, Big Red Car?

Big Red Car here on a spectacular Texas morning in May, the kind of day which fuels your passions and diminishes your troubles. On Earth as it is in Texas! Alternatively: Make America Texas Again? [Doing some A/B testing is the Big Red Car?]

So, the Republicans and their Trumpeteer were in the Rose Garden at the White House for a self-congratulatory orgy post the Repeal & Replace of Obamacare.

Trump and Ryan

“Paulie Boy, you did it.” “Thank you, Mr. President. It’s a crappy plan, but it’s the best I could get these crazy Republicans to vote for. Nancy Pelosi said ‘HI.'”

Some, like me, will say it’s a tad premature what with those balky chaps over at the Senate. I have other complaints but they will wait. Today we talk Repeal & Replace TAXES.

Yes, dear reader, our “healthcare” monstrosity was really a tax bill in disguise and those clever Republicans smoked it out.

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