
The First Amendment Ignorance

The First Amendment, Big Red Car? What about it? Everybody knows about the First Amendment.

Big Red Car here on a grayish morning, but it will burn off soon. So, I’m looking at a study with alarming results.

Out of 1,000 persons surveyed only ONE was able to name the five rights protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Worse still, 40% of the respondents could not mention a single right.

Image result for image us constitution

The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are contained in a document called the Bill of Rights.

How is that possible?

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President Trump and the Press

Big Red Car here after the bad weather in the ATX. All is well with your Big Red Car, not to fret, dear reader. All is not well between President Donald J Trump and the press.

So, the Big Red Car is listening to a guy ranting on the big screen about how President Donald J Trump is violating his role under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

“Whoa, President Trump, we can’t have any of that, now, can we?” sayeth the Big Red Car.

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