
Electric Vehicles Heating Up

The Age of the Electric Vehicle is upon us in case you have been asleep, Rip Van Tesla.

EV is no longer a novelty racket run by a guy with a joint in his hand named Elon Musk and Tesla. Everybody is getting in the game.

Ford Motor Company, founded in 1903 in Detroit, Michigan by Henry Ford, is in the game. Continue reading


Electric Vehicles — the Dirty Little Secret

We are on the verge of great changes in the EV space. More car manufacturers are delivering actual units, more charging stations, and older vehicles are getting enough miles to smoke out the idiosyncrasies of EVs.

Mercedes Benz concept car the Vision EQXX that will be able to run 650 miles between charges. Game changer?

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Tesla and Austin By God Texas For The Win!

Old news already here in the People’s Republic of Austin, but maybe you haven’t heard: Elon Musk has picked Austin By God Texas for the next Gigafactory at which to build the new Tesla Truck.

Hook ’em, Tesla!

Elon had NOT been smoking anything when he made the announcement and he thanked Tulsa, Oklahoma for making a pitch to keep the Austin pitch real.

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Elon Musk — Quick Trigger Capitalist

I am a huge fan of the core businessman Elon Musk. Not so much on him personally. Very skeptical on Tesla.

Having said that, I rise to applaud Elon Musk (I was going to call him “Elon” like he and I are pals, but we’re not) for being quick on the draw as it relates to using the current uptick in Tesla stock as a means to raise additional capital in a secondary offering.

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Tesla Dips

I am a huge fan of the Tesla story — brash entrepreneur starts electric car company.

The story is four fold:

 1. Car — great car

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 2. Elon Musk — irrepressible entrepreneur

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 3. Disruption of, perhaps, the most well-organized and entrenched industry

 4. The stock, TSLA

Today, we talk about the stock. You will recall some time ago Elon Musk got in trouble for whispering he had backing to take the company private at $420/share. Several million dollars later, a few US Securities and Exchange Commission scoldings, a bit of public humiliation, the story came to be — well maybe Elon Musk didn’t have the requisite backing.

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Corporate Welfare – Incentives

Corporate welfare, Big Red Car? Huh?

Big Red Car here on a sunny, cold Texas day. Ahhh, winter is here at 41F at dawn, but 65F now. Winter is hard in the ATX, y’all.

So, the Interwebs are all aghast at the gargantuan incentives provided to Amazon (richest guy in the world, Jeff Bezos, at your service) by New York and Virginia to get half of the new HQ2.

The gainsayers and the naysayers are in full throated-uproar, but nobody is really keeping score on these things, are they?

Let’s go back and explore a recent deal — the Tesla SolarCity Buffalo, New York incentivized transaction.

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Oh, my, what have I done now? Solar City? Rooftop solar panels? Was that me?

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Elon Musk and the US SEC – Shortsellers Enrichment Commission

Big Red Car here, following the unending saga of Elon Musk of Tesla fame and his continuing dialog with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

“Just want to [say] that the Shortseller Enrichment Commission is doing incredible work. And the name change is so on point!” Tweeted by Elon Musk.

Is this the smart play?

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Elon Musk taking a toke to release his inhibitions?

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