
The Ballad of Mayor Pete, Secretary of Transportation

Every President is entitled to assemble a Cabinet made of those who he/she wants to run the country even in these polarized times.

The Senate has a role in its advise/consent Constitutional duty to ensure the Devil Herself does not get seated, but, in general, a POTUS should be able to assemble his own Gang.

The Biden Gang, thus far, is more than 75% Obama retreads — whilst you may be tempted to cluck at that, who else does the guy know? Come on, man.

One new face in the crowd is this Mayor Pete chap for Secretary of Transportation. Seems an odd choice.

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A Kiss Is Just A Kiss?

Do you recall the famous scene in Casablanca when Sam sings “As Time Goes By?” It is sung best by Frank Sinatra.

The song starts with a line — “You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss,”

What spawned this thought was a picture of Mayor Pete kissing his husband, Chasten, at a campaign event.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

Before you criticize Mayor Pete for excessive PDA (public display of affection), you will want to remember the famous Al Gore – Tipper Gore kiss at the Democrat National Convention of some time ago. He did not win the presidency, but he left American politics with an iconic moment. Well, until they got divorced.

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Totally impromptu! Haha, right. Al and Tipper did not start the weaponization of political kissing, but they put an exclamation point on it.

President Reagan was a kisser also. Here he is after being sworn in as President. Have to give Nancy high marks both for form (eyes closed), head tilt, but also the hat that did not impede the kiss. Well played. Both actors, they hit their marks right on cue.

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Here’s the beef — Al Gore – Tipper Gore and Ronald Reagan – Nancy Reagan kissed on the lips.  Mayor Pete and Chasten Buttigieg kissed on the cheek.

Come on, fellas, the lips. If you’re in it to win it, you go for the lips. I have given you bi-partisan examples. The lips!

Then, Chasten (potential First Gent), has this to look forward to?

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Notice that the First Lady is careful to kiss Mr. T on the forehead. Because kissing on the lips is reserved for your spouse, you fool!

Kissing, making out, faux intimacy, bit of PDA, the weaponization of the lip lock — is part of electoral politics at the presidential level, no? Who can forget these crazy kids?

Don’t even say it. I know what you and your dirty mind are thinking. No.

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President Trump is a nose kisser and a bi-directional kisser. The nose knows. You would have expected something normal from the Disruptor-in-Chief?

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Here the President is clearly going for the cheek. Cheeky bastard!

The French, who supposedly invented a brand of kissing, often throw a head fake and go for the hand. Here is French PM Macron showing nice form. Like Joe Biden, he likes to get a good sniff in. Modestly creepy, but quite gallant!

First lady steps into spotlight for state visit with France

President Trump, showing PM Macron how the cow eats the cabbage when dealing with a sharp-edged hat, ducks under the brim to hit his target.

But, at the core of this is my complaint — Mayor Pete, Chasten Buttigieg — go for the lips, dudes. 

A kiss is just a kiss or is it? Is it a political statement? Is it the weaponization of affection?

“You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss” unless it’s a political kiss.

But, hey, what the Hell do I know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Come here, you lovely little Mercedes, let me give you a nice kiss!


The “B”s Have It — Biden, Bernie, Beto, Buttigieg

Today is the day we talk politics, more specifically, the Democrat Presidential Primary. We talk politics one day per week until the election.

[The Dem Convention is in Milwaukee on 13-16 July 2020 at Fiserv Forum. The first debate is in June 2019, only two months from now. The DNC has the campaign penciled in for a dozen debates though there were more than 40 in 2007-8 when Obama was vying for the nomination.]

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Mayor Pete

I have decided I will write about politics one day a week — maybe two, but definitely one — until the 2020 election. As you know, I predicted that Donald J Trump would win both the nomination and the election back in 2016.

Since his Inauguration, I have consistently held the position that I support some of his policies. I have previously described him as the political chemotherapy our nation needs. Chemo kills the bad cells before it kills the good cells. It is not really a compliment.

I only applaud policy, nothing else.

Chemotherapy Party Candidate? Trump

Today, I write about Mayor Pete Buttigieg (pronounced: “butt-edge-edge”) an exciting new Democrat candidate for his party’s nomination. Here is a picture of Mayor Pete threatening to poke Spartacus in the eye with his fingers.

“Booker, I’m going to stick these fingers in your eye!”

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