
News Flash: The Jews Have Guns This Time Around

The Jews, the world’s chosen people to persecute for millennial, are again the victim of an unprovoked, deadly, horrific attack — beheading babies, burning babies alive, rape, maiming, parading corpses of dead naked women in the streets, killing grandparents, taking hostages — and the world’s reaction is to call for a cease fire and to accuse the Jewish state, Israel, of genocide when they go after their attackers.

Not to be a cynic, but good luck with that. Continue reading


Israel and Anti-Semitism

Big Red Car here on a dark and cloudy day that will top out at 82F. For comparison, Manhattan will have a low of 28F and a high of 36F, but it will be sunny.

So, the ether is abuzz with darts and arrows about anti-Semitism and, by association, Israel.

This was all triggered by idiotic comments made by freshman Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota’s 5th District.

Image result for images ilhan omar

In the picture above, Congresswoman Omar is pictured with Palestinian supporter Linda Sarsour, a controversial figure who once tweeted about two women with whom she had debated, “She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away – they don’t deserve to be women.”

This type of remark sets the tone for the discussion.

Continue reading