
How Republicans Manage To LOSE Constantly

Herschel Walker lost the Georgia Senate runoff election to Senator Warnock yesterday in typical Republican fashion:

 1. The Republicans have no GOTV ground game that can compete with the Dems. This is compounded by the county map scale issue explained below.

 2. The Republicans failed to raise sufficient money to compete with the Warnock campaign in the media. Warnock controlled the messaging – a series of non-stop, brutal attacks on the character of Walker until Election Day.

 3. The Republicans have no national leadership at the Republican National Committee level that can send a SWAT team to deal with critical local elections.

 4. The Republicans continue to focus on Election Day rather than early voting. Classic Election Day v Election Season problem.

Election Season v Election Day Explained

 5. The Republicans failed to close ranks and work for the overall good of the party. Continue reading