
Debate 2016 — Winner Take All?

Debate, baby.

Big Red Car here on the eve of Debate 2016 and, frankly, getting very excited for the first Presidential debate at Hofstra University to be moderated by Lester Holt of NBC’s Nightly News program.

Monday, 26 September 2016, 9:30 PM Central Time.

It will be broadcast on every channel imaginable plus livestreamed.

Some thoughts.

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Owning the Oxygen — Donald Trump

Big Red Car here — not endorsing or supporting ANYONE but observing something pretty damn basic.

Donald Trump owns the oxygen in the current presidential campaign. The dude owns the freakin’ oxygen and the rest of the schlubs are trying to rent a whiff of it.

“Who sold him the oxygen?”

The media and Fox News. Well played, you idiots. “Sold” him? They gave it to him for free.

Sorry. Continue reading


Politics as Startup — The Donald Startup

Big Red Car here. Another — another — great day in the paradise that is the ATX.

On Earth as it is in Texas.

So, the Big Red Car is interested in the phenomenon that is The Donald from the perspective of assessing a political campaign as a startup. The Donald Startup!

In the end, isn’t a one time campaign the ultimate startup? The Donald Startup, y’all!

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