I am a huge fan of routine, standard operating procedures, process development/management, and ritual.
I am also a big fan of regular, rigorous Performance Appraisal and, in particular, Boards of Directors appraising the performance of their CEOs, and CEOs demanding an in-depth appraisal by the Board (subset of the Board is fine, try to get someone who has CEO experience on the committee).
Lazy, cowardly Boards of Directors ignore this critical professional development duty. Shame on you.
Pro tip: The methodology, timing, process of CEO Performance Appraisal belongs in any competent Employment Agreement and professional boards/CEOs have Employment Agreements.
I am not a fan of trendy things like 360 Degree Performance Appraisals — I like bare knuckled, in your face, straightforward performance appraisal.
One of the things I practiced in 33 years of CEO-ing public and private companies, and I preach to CEOs is self appraisal. Nobody judges us as tough as we do ourselves. Think about that for a second.
CEO readying herself for performance self-appraisal.
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