Big Red Car here on a cloudy Texas day. This is a lot of clouds, y’all, but we like them. Syria and North Korea are a couple of lawless, outlaw regimes, but did you know they have had a relationship for years?
Syria is the bunch run by Bashar al Assad who has killed 500,000 of his countrymen, internally displaced 6,000,000 more, and turned 5,000,000 into refugees. [Can you imagine any scenario in which this shithead continues to run Syria?]
North Korea is the bunch run by Kim Jong Un whose family has lorded over his country like a penal colony and has literally starved them so badly that the average height of a North Korean has diminished three inches in the last forty years. [To be technically correct, a South Korean is, on average, three inches taller than a North Korean. Same gene pool, different nutrition.]

Kim Jong Un — a fat, expando-pants wearing guy who hasn’t missed a meal in a while, no? This is a guy who starves his people while spending the nation’s wealth on developing nuclear weapons and ICMB delivery systems.
So what have they been up to?
Syria and North Korea are both producers of sarin gas. Syria pretended to sign onto the Chemical Weapons Convention back in 2013 to avoid the consequences of former President Obama’s Big Red Line [different than a Big Red Car like me]. That worked out pretty terrific, right?
North Korea has never made a pretense of getting with the program and has never agreed to the Chemical Weapons Convention.
What else, Big Red Car?
The North Koreans and the Syrians work together on three things:
1. Nuclear proliferation. You know the North Koreans have nukes, but did you know the Syrians had their own nuclear development plan until the Israelis took out their nuclear reactor with a bombing run in 2007?
Operation Orchard was the Israeli airstrike which destroyed the Syrian nuclear reactor at Deir ez-Zor at midnight on 6 September 2007 during the Olmert regime.
This was in conformance to the 1981 Begin Doctrine which mandates the destruction of Arab nuclear reactors which might threaten Israel.
Interesting side note, the CIA and the Mossad quashed all info on the raid for almost a year because the Israelis spoofed the Syrian air defense using electronic jamming. It was a great big deal with Special Forces on the ground providing laser guidance to the Israeli bombers.
Big takeaway — the Syrians were in the game until the Israelis took them out.
2. Rocket development. The North Koreans — who are making great strides in rocket development — have assisted the Syrians on the same front.
If that isn’t bad enough, the North Koreans have worked with the Iranians on similar initiatives.
3. Chemical weapons. The Syrians are the latest users of chemical weapons against their own people, but the North Koreans have VX and sarin production facilities of their own. There is no peaceful use for nerve agents.
The Axis of Evil — Syria, North Korea, Russia, Iran
The coalition to keep an eye on is the Russia – Iran – North Korea – Syria bunch. These are bad guys with evil intent. The Chinese are looking for a seat at the table, but may not get one because they aren’t evil enough. Could be wrong about that.

Two thugs dressed in suits in a display of thug love. The guy on the left, Bashar al Assad, has the blood of half a million of his countrymen on his hands. He kills babies with chemical weapons. The other guy is an asshole, also. he invaded Crimea.
The Axis is up to no good in the areas of: nuclear proliferation, rocket development, and chemical weapons.
One other key area to watch is miniaturization. North Korea has nukes. North Korea has rockets, missiles, and ICBMs. What North Korea does NOT have, yet, is the ability to miniaturize their nukes sufficiently they can sit atop their missiles.
The world only has 1-2 years before this happens.
Point of Order
A few interesting facts to consider:
1. The Israelis are the all time big game nuclear reactor hunters having taken out Syrian and Iraqi nuclear plants and programs. That Begin Doctrine thing.
2. The North Koreans are right on the cusp of being an annoying uncle morphing into being a real, major league pain in the ass.
3. The Chinese and the Americans had a chance to “chat” about North Korea at Mar a Lago.
4. The Chinese have replaced their border guards on the border with North Korea at the Yalu River with regular infantry.
5. The US has sent a fleet to cruise off the coast of North Korea.
6. I would not be surprised to see the US strike North Korea and China take over the country and make it into a province of China.
One last thing: The Russians and the Syrians and the Iranians are not going to do anything to retaliate against the Trump regime. President Trump and Mad Dog Mattis got a free hit and that is good for the world. There has to be something in the world which is so outrageous the good guys will come and whip your ass. Chemical weapons is that thing.
Keep an eye on that American fleet cause it costs a lot of money to send a carrier battle group sailing around. This may not be a head fake.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.
> Keep an eye on that American fleet cause it costs a lot of money to send a carrier battle group sailing around. This may not be a head fake.
Naw: The fleet is there just to observe any missile launches. Trump is concerned about the CO2 from the missiles and its affect on the ice in Antarctica.
For more, the fleet permits the US to see in closer detail just why the missiles will explode soon after launch, which US intelligence has the US believe will happen nearly always. Moreover, also from US intelligence, the exploding missiles will usually fall back to their launch pads and destroy those, too. Missiles, dangerous things, can explode at any time.
Similarly for nuclear weapons work: Especially in a third world country, that work is subject to accidents of wide variety at any time. Just one little accident can leave the whole facility converted to a flat, glass lined, glowing in the dark parking lot. Indeed, some such accidents can result a new lake, with curiously blue waters, perfectly round, hemispherical bottom, also glass lined that glows in the dark.
A third world country of short people so backward it can’t feed even its own citizens has no business messing with missiles and nukes — basic truth of the world today.
I like the take in this piece to strike Chubby’s missiles in their silos or shooting them down during early stages of launching. Can’t we have a drone or two flying around that are ready to pounce should he wait to start firing again once the battle group leaves?
Yes, one would think that a bunch of half starved grunts, working in the various facilities, would be prone to a mistake or two!
It’s all a bad scene.
This just in:
To review, above I had
But now, from Ping Pong Yang, North Korea (I may not have all the spelling just right),
Kim Jong “Chubby” Uno tried to launch his new
Long Dung Dong Puke Ku Song Pong 2
intercontinental missile intended to explode a nuclear warhead over the US for EMP, blast, fallout, whatever.
But the missile exploded just after launching and maybe fell back onto the launch pad.
Hmm …. Any US drones flying around there? Anyone see any Hellfire missiles on the way? Any laser blasts? Any Navy prototype electro-magnetic rail guns?
Yup, for Ping Pong Yang Long Dung Dong Song Puke Ku countries messing around with missiles can be dangerous work! Things can go “boom” with little or no warning or apparent cause.
Shot. Called. You.
Well played.
Happy Easter.
News just in:
Sum Ting Wong!
Wi Tu Low!
Ho Lee Fuc!
Dang Ding Ou!
Immediate orders have been given to divert more food to the ground crews as missiles can easily go boom boom in the room room. Not good for Chubby’s eating disorder either. Intelligence has picked up that he consumed the national supply of ice cream yesterday evening.
Thanks for this. I was just going to send you an email to ask for your take on NK. A friend of mine at church is a brave soul who does mission trips to NK. Last summer he gave a talk on what’s going on over there and it made my jaw drop. Beyond little food and electricity, there is a lot of sickness that USA missionaries help with. But everyone is happy and healthy enough to put fatso’s picture up on their wall, all the while being told tall stories about how the USA wants to invade. How un pulls off such a humanitarian atrocity makes little sense to me. I assume you feel if we did strike, it would be successful? Seeing that battle group on it’s way to NK sort of feels like “it’s different this time”. Tactically, the sooner the strike happens the better, right? I mean, ug is going to keep improving his missiles if we keep doing the obama rope-a-dope with this clown. This guy needs to go, as do his citizens deserve to be liberated — we all know it. Not sure why but I can really feel the power of the USA military under our new leadership.
NK is a sixth world country run by a hateful tyrant who is diverting their wealth for military toys. He should be gone.
If NK and SK were to merge, it would be just like East and West Germany getting together.
The Chinese don’t want a democratic aircraft carrier on their Manchurian border. That is the only reason why NK is alive today.
I would not be surprised if Pres Trump knocks out all NK launching pads, all rocket facilities, all bomb sites, and the Chinese flood down from the north and take the country and make it into a province of China.
Xi may have asked Trump to trade Taiwan for NK. Who knows?
The world only has a year to deal with NK before they can make a bomb, miniaturize it, and launch it on an ICBM. And then what?
No, this shit is about to get very real, very quick.
> The world only has a year to deal with NK before they can make a bomb, miniaturize it, and launch it on an ICBM. And then what?
South Korea will become an island, separated from China by the new North Korean Sea, not very deep, maybe only a few hundred feet, but with a glass lined bottom that glows in the dark.
NK is quite mountainous.
The world needs to keep an eye on the North Korea – Syria connection and the Greek Chorus hiding behind the curtain (Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, maybe even China).
Dangerous times.