Big Red Car here. Cold and nasty here in the ATX. Stuff happens but in the ATX? Not right.
The front page of the world changes quickly. The Olympics dominates everything. And then what?
Well, then we have to get back to reality.
One of those realities is that the situation with Iran is not healing itself. In fact, the Iranians are crowing about how they’re still centrifuging the Hell out of their stockpile of uranium. Approaching a concentration that can only be used to manufacture nuclear weapons. Unjust enrichment? [Damn good joke, Big Red Car. Haha.]
Stop a second and focus on the following realities:
1. The Iraqis had a nuclear program to develop nuclear weapons until the Israelis took out their nuclear reactor in 1981. Fellow named Saddam Hussein was running the joint in those days. You will remember what happened to him, I am sure.
2. The Syrians had a nuclear program — aided by the North Koreans — until the Israelis objected and sent fighter bombers to reason with them in 2007.
In neither of these strikes did the Israelis ever admit complicity or make any public utterances. They didn’t worry about a bit of nuclear material being released into the atmosphere. The stakes were too high for Israel.
One day a Middle Eastern country hostile to Israel had a nuclear program and then Israel apparently wiped them off the face of the earth. let’s see if we can recognize a pattern here.
Today, the Iranians have negotiated some bogus arrangement with the Obama administration while continuing their uranium enrichment program. The Prime Minister and the chief Ayatollah are both laughing up their sleeves at the US and its peurile efforts to draw them back to civilization.
The Israelis are not going to wait forever. That is reality. They have already taken out at least two Middle Eastern nuclear programs. Third one’s the charm.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Keep it real, ya’ll.