The Musings of the Big Red Car

How Difficult Is It To Learn How To Use Artificial Intelligence?

How difficult is it to learn how to use artificial intelligence, you ask, dear reader?

Not. Very.

Go to this site:


DeepSeek logo

and follow the directions.

[You will note in the lower left hand corner there is a “download app” button for your cell phone. This is a desktop connection above.]

Does it work, Big Red Car?

Hell, yes, it works, but there are some quirks.

 1. Ask DeepSeek to assist with the following: “In 500 words or less describe Hemingway’s story Islands in the Stream.”

Watch as DeepSeek does its magic.

 2. Ask “Who is (my name)?” and then do the same thing on Google search and compare the results. They will be different.

That’s it, Big Red Car?

Yes. That. Is. It. Now, go try it. Ask lots of questions and study the answers.

Bottom line it, Big Red Car, we’re going to a late lunch at the Crystal Beer Parlor

OK, dear reader, there is absolutely no impediment to you — yes you — to use AI even if you are a functional tech illiterate. It is easy as pie.

It is not, however, the be and end all as you will see in the DeepSeek v Google exercise.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.

Now, go harness DeepSeek to answer the following question: “What is the tone and voice of the website and blog The Musings of the Big Red Car and what type of person reads that blog?”

Or, “In a thousand words or less, tell the history of the Crystal Beer Parlor in Savannah, Georgia.”

Have a great weekend and teach your parents how to use DeepSeek, you bloody tech magician.