Holiday Cheer

Big Red Car here.

I am starting to get a bit vexed with The Boss.  Here I am in Austin and he’s in Steamboat Springs enjoying the weather.

Hehe, actually a balmy 72F here in Austin while it was -18F last night in Steamboat Springs.  So, I really have no right to complain.  I’m feeling neglected.  I miss The Boss.

Winter Wonderland

Well, apparently Steamboat Springs is a winter wonderland.  Snow, snow, snow, snow.

 Skiing in Steamboat

Well The Boss goes to Steamboat to ski and the skiing is good but the location of his joint is excellent.  Here are the snowy conditions in the ‘Boat.  Tough duty, eh?

The lift is right at The Boss’s back door and he is one lazy skier.  Don’t tell him I said that.

A Bit of Holiday Cheer

Well, The Boss says that he’s skiing but I am not so sure about that?  I highjacked this picture from his camera and I don’t know about that.

That looks like coffee with a bit of Courvosier, Kahlua and Baileys.  Maybe a bit of half and half to boot?

Try it, you’ll like it.

Stop and Enjoy the Season

 Please have a great Christmas and enjoy that Austin weather.  You deserve it.  You have definitely been good.  Well most of ya’ll!

White Christmas Bing Crosby

But, hey, what the Hell do I know?  I’m just a Big Red Car.  Be kind to yourself.



16 thoughts on “Holiday Cheer

  1. JLM
    I have not stopped by yet to say hello on your blog. Looks like you are having fun with it. Happy Holidays from a lazy reader on the couch in sunny NYC.

  2. JLM..

    Just found your blog. Nice!

    Have a great holiday. I envy you the snow and skiing.

    I’m spending this week thinking more, doing less. Working out, Writing. Museums and friends.

    Enjoy and a happy and healthy new year to you and yours!


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