Big Red Car here. Sort of gray in the ATX. Sort of gray in the world of the GOPe — the Republican Establishment.
OK, in case you’re still living under a rock, Donald Trump has now, apparently, run the table. The GOPe still doesn’t like it.
Yawn! Ooops, sorry.
The GOPe is that bunch who brought forth two losing Republican candidates — Romney, Stevens, Sasse, Kristol, Graham. Rock stars who need no first names cause they’re rock stars. Rock heads.
They are all #nevertrump guys, which is to say they want to see Hillary Clinton in YOUR White House.
They will crash the car to prevent Donald Trump — the same Donald Trump who has eliminated and defeated fourteen experienced and salty politicians, a captainess of industry, and a brain surgeon. That Donald Trump.
No way Donald Trump gets the nomination, right?
So, remember when Donald Trump was one gaffe from extinction? Come on, you do. Right?
One freakin’ gaffe from self-immolation. Crashing and burning. The media was laughing at him. The GOPe was ignoring him. The other candidates were fighting him. Remember?
Gandhi had this to say about things:
First they ignore you;
Then, they laugh at you;
Then, they fight you;
Then, you win.
Where is Trump right now? As to the primary, he is on the verge of winning. Going around and bayoneting the wounded. He is ready to pivot toward the general election while tidying up the battlefield.
Bottom line it, Big Red Car
Not so fast, beloved reader. All we can say right now is — EVERYBODY GOT IT WRONG ABOUT TRUMP. Everybody.
The guy has garnered more primary votes than anyone in history. He saw it through. He is a great campaigner. His family is awesome with a capital “awe.”
Still, that’s not enough for the GOPe, the party bosses, the guys who brought the Republicans TWO LOSING candidates.
No, they know better than the entire electorate. You little people. You! If you live in the South, it’s “y’all!”
What does the GOPe want?
The GOPe is pissed off because they picked Jeb Bush, anointed him, funded him, powdered his wig, slimmed him down, and encourage him. Then, they went back to cheating widows and orphans.
Yes, Dad said it was my turn. So did George. Then that mean Donald Trump started calling me “Low Energy” Jeb. Mom says that’s not very nice.
The Bush family is really vexed. Hell, Daddy Bush and Brother Bush are going to “sit it out” as far as the election is concerned. Not like the Republican party didn’t support them when they were seeking the nomination.
The GOPe wants y’all to behave. They want you to kiss their ring. They want you to follow instructions and stop meddling with their process.
Some notables
Notable amongst the GOPe dinosaurs are even newcomes like Senator Ben Sasse from Nebraska (where Trump took 61% of the Republican vote).
Ben went up to Washington, District of Corruption, and returned to announce that there was a swamp up there that needed draining. He revealed all the secrets. He pontificated and he speechified and just generally acted like the canary in the coal mine.
News flash to Ben — YOU, Benny Boy, were sent to Washington to FIX that stuff, not to become a roving reporter. Unhuh, that’s right. YOU are the fixer guy. You are not an innocent bystander. Get in the game.
Ben’s Nebraska Republican party comrades just voted a note of censure for his #nevertrump stance. They don’t like it when they support somebody by 61% and one of their Senators is leading the charge for a third party candidate. Hell, they are Republicans, no? Didn’t Ben already throw in with a party?
Reality is a mean spirited and heartless bitch
So, Trump meets with the Prom Queen — Paul Ryan. Paulie says, “I hardly know the man. We had a nice chat. This is a process.”
Paulie, this is what is called victory. Something you and Mittens were unable to deliver. You, my friend, are a failed candidate and should not get in the way of those who are acquainted with victory.
Not to worry, Paulie will come around. Just like the billionaire funders — such as Marvin Adelson in Las Vegas who said, “DT, pencil me in for $100,000,000. Please” — and the Republican House committee chairs. Paulie will come around. But not until he and Donald spend some time in the sauna together.
Give me a break, Speaker. You are a leader in the Republican party, not the ACLU. Get with it. Sorry, bit harsh.
OK, the reality is this — Romney, Ryan, Sasse, Stevens, Graham — dinosaurs. Losers. Prom queens. It’s over, y’all, and you did not win. But, then you are losers and used to it, no?
Last point: The deadline to file for another candidate in Texas has now come and gone. It is over, y’all. Sorry. Reality is a mean spirited and heartless taskmaster. Sorry.
Deal. With. It.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.