GOP Presidential Candidate Prediction 2024 — POMPEO

I am behind on my 2023 predictions so I thought I would distract y’all by telling you ahead of time who will win the Republican nomination to run for President versus 82-year-old Joe Biden in 2024 .


In assessing the race, I considered the following candidates:

Donald Trump – loser by TKO

I thought after 2020, Trump would fade into the horizon, live in a yurt, lose 40 pounds, undergo some plastic surgery, get some more hair transplants, get a great tan, rest up, build a social media network he could control, develop a think tank, build a gigantic dark money PAC, be photographed all around the world with important leaders, and return tanned, rested, and energized.

That did not happen.

I have thought for some time the old boy had reached his “sell by date” or that his “shelf life” was expired. He is also too old. Read this from last year.

Trump Sell By Date ArrivesĀ 

The Dems will not allow Trump to compete and they — the weaponized Joe Biden/Merrick Garland Department of Justice and its Special Counsel — will finally indict Trump for something. He will win, but he will be roughed up enough he cannot mount a presidential primary campaign and win.

Loser by TKO. The kingfisher may return as the kingmaker with his solid and loyal base.

Ron DeSantis – serious contender

This is a very smart cat and he would make a good President.

There is no daylight between his policy views and that of DJT, but he will be the focus of Trump’s invective and DeSantis will pull the plug and wait it out in 2024. Smart cat.

Would not accept Vice President on a Pompeo ticket.

Nikki Haley/Liz Cheney – less than no chance

I like Nikki Haley and I do not like Liz Cheney.

They however are twins — neither will ever get a whiff of the nomination. Ever.

Mike Pence – no chance

Mr. Excitement will never get the traction.

He was never Presidential timbre and was a lap dog for Trump which disqualifies him for serious consideration. Decent guy, but no rocket scientist.

First rate lap dog. Hard to find a good lap dog these days.

Tim Scott – long shot

Tim Scott (black) or Nikki Haley (woman, Sikh) — both from South Carolina — will be solid Vice President candidates. Count on it.

I almost typed that Tim Scott was a “dark horse candidate,” but I am so woke, I did not. Color me woke, baby.

[And, yes, that’s racist. I wanted to save y’all some time.]

Ted Cruz – long shot

Probably the smartest of the bunch with an excellent resume, but he is not a charismatic leader and has already entrenched himself as the wrong guy.

I like Ted on policy, but he is not electable.

Plus, the beard. Ted? No mirrors in your house? Mrs. Ted, WTF?

Glenn Youngkin – could surprise a lot of folks

The Virginia Governor and former head of the Carlyle Group will one day get a whiff of the White House (and it will not be at the Christmas parry).

He is a formidable campaigner, smart as a whip, business savvy, once had a journeyman like jump shot, and comes from a state that would be helpful in the win column for the Republicans, but he is just too green.

Keep your eye on Youngkin. Making all the right moves in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Culture warrior unafraid to gird his loins and get into the fight; he is also a credible conservative.

Chris Sununu – no chance

Another attractive Governor of an important early primary state, New Hampshire, Sununu is a virulent anti-Trumper and that is not going to be the path to victory in the primaries wherein only 10% of registered Republicans show up to vote. The Trumpsters will be amongst those 10%.

His father, also Governor, was a staunch Bush Republican which is no longer an asset.

Christi Noem – no chance

South Dakota Governor with limited name recognition – the hill is just too high to climb from either South or North Dakota when so many other candidates have national name ID.

BTW, what is the capital of South Dakota?

Greg Abbott – could be/should be a contender

Abbott, current Texas Governor, would be a very attractive candidate. He has been a great 3-term Governor of Texas and has taken a serious attitude toward the Cartel – US border.

He would make a great President, but there is just no magic with the guy — my attitude only, not saying it’s correct. Could be my flaw.

Larry Hogan – no chance

Former Maryland Governor, Trump hater — the lens is not friendly to Larry. No charisma. Dead on arrival.

Asa Hutchison – no chance

Former Arkansas Governor, Trump critic, good on policy. Out of work having just relinquished his job. He will still be unemployed in 2024.

Chris Christie – no chance

The Big Fella needs to pick a lane and stay in it. Pick a wide lane, Wide Load.

Disloyal, Jersey Corrupt, mean as a rattle snake, and a lick spittle.

Need something to block the sun at the beach? Wide Load is your boy. President? Sorry, Wide Load.

Will Hurd – no chance X 100

Former Congressman from the Texas – Cartel border and former CIA spook. Nope. Sorry.

Brian Kemp – long shot, but good shot

On paper, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is a very attractive candidate. He won the governor race in Georgia versus the M1A1 Stacey Gap Tooth Abrams tank with a solid grass roots campaign whilst Senate candidate Herschel Walker (fertile guy with a lot of kids, still counting) got smoked.

Kemp is a solid campaigner and is great on policy, but I just can’t feel it.

Rick Scott – no chance

Fatally white, rich, bald, and soft spoken, but a very smart guy. He and McConnell need to get into the cage and go “There Can Be Only One” on each other.

Josh Hawley – no chance

I like Senator Josh Hawley, a smart guy who is a superb questioner, but he comes across as too youthful and lacking gravitas — well, because he is too young and hasn’t made a withdrawal from the gravitas bank yet.

Tom Cotton – no chance

Big Red Car hates to give an Airborne Ranger with a CIB and a Bronze Star the thumbs down, but read the Josh Hawley comment and just stick “Tom Cotton” in there.

Hawley and Cotton both belong in the Senate right now.

John Bolton – the only guy with less chance than Liz Cheney

John Bolton is a mean, confused prick — on his good days. He is a know-it-all (the BRC, a notorious V8, muscle car KIA himself usually cuts other KIAs some slack, but nay, not here).

Mike Pompeo

Mike Pompeo has the right resume to be an effective President – #1 at West Point, veteran, small businessman, Congressman, Director of Central Intelligence, and Secretary of State.

Whilst Don Trump didn’t lose the 40 pounds, Mike did lose 90 pounds in six months and looks lean and rested. Has sort of a George Peppard look.

He’s effective Day One because of his work as Secretary of State.

He has carefully navigated around the rocks called the Trump Shipwreck and has been careful to adopt the right policy tone to be able — not assured — to get a Trump endorsement when it is time to press.

This smart, articulate, fierce cat is also the right age to lead America.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.