The New Axis of Evil — China, Russia, Iran, North Korea — is slowly emerging as a powerful alliance as a result of growing cooperation sparked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The United States and the world need to wake up to and focus on this reality.

Couple of despotic evil jerkoffs hamming it up for the camera in their matching blue suits, red ties, and white shirts. Real bromance at work here. [Somebody get some powder on that forehead of Vlad’s. Please.]
1. The Russians are aggressively seeking every form of support they can obtain from these like minded despotisms.
2. China — itself waiting for the right moment to pounce upon Taiwan — is supplying all kinds of forbidden tech by using false flag companies to buy chips, amongst other things, for the Russian war machine.
The western embargo and sanctions are filled with holes and the Chinese exploit them on behalf of Russia.
They, the Chinese, also provide emotional support and support at the United Nations Security Council.
3. North Korea is selling Russia hundreds of thousands of howitzer rounds as well as ballistic missiles and receiving nuclear bomb tech support (specifically miniaturization which is very difficult) from Russia.
Without tapping into North Korean artillery round stockpiles, the Russians would have ground to a half.
Most recently, the North Koreans have begun to pimp out their army to Russia which is struggling mightily with manpower and their unwillingness to conscript more soldiers. This is a real problem for Putin. Manpower and combat losses. Huge losses. In two years he has wracked up as many KIAs as the US suffered in World War II.
North Korean soldiers have already died for Mother Russia. Here’s to more North Korean soldiers joining the ranks of the KIAs and WIAs.
4. Iran is selling the Russians drones and ballistic missiles and providing in-country support and training.
In return, the Russians provide Iran with nuclear weapons technology.
Why are we drifting into war, Big Red Car?
Ahhh, dear reader, yes. Why are we?
We are allowing this dangerous alliance to become comfortable cooperating with each other. This collective decisionmaking is how wartime alliances operate. It took us a couple of years in World War II to really get the Allies — primarily the US, the Brits, the Canadians, the Australians, New Zealand, India — to act in concert.
1. China is watching the situation in Ukraine with an eye toward the world’s reaction if they should attempt to seize Taiwan. They have become progressivly more aggressive with their obnoxious and obvious dress rehearsals around Taiwan. They are gathering their might and will to attack.
2. North Korea’s actions injects tension into the Korean peninsula and worries Japan who now wants to build an offensive army, navy, and air force – a course of action banned since World War II. The Japs also want to go nuclear themselves.
3. The Iranians will not hesitate to ask the Russians for assistance in their confrontation versus Israel. The Russians are operating at depth in Syria and the Russians see Israel as an American client state, which they are.
It is worth noting that the Orange Man has this region wallowing in peace. The Biden decision to cancel or stop enforcing oil industry sanctions on Iran allowed those dogs to avoid bankrupcty and generate billions of dollars with which to fund their terror network.
This also solved China’s problems with oil. This was one of the dumbest decisions every made by an American president and has caused this jug fuck in the Middle East.
4. The US is supplying advanced weapons systems to both Ukraine and Israel that require in-country training, support, and maintenance that puts American soldiers in harms way. We have troops in the region in Syria and Iraq <<< somebody please tell Kamala about this, OK?
5. Emotionally, the New Axis of Evil has a collective interest in seeing the Russians prevail in Ukraine in a World War II style war of aggression. If the Russians do succeed, they will transfer their hegemonious lust toward some other target, like Moldova. Why would they not?
Bottom line it, Big Red Car
If war comes, our opponents will not hesitate to strike the American homeland. If we get into it with the Chinese, expect them to strike targets on the west coast. Our military is currently too small to deal with such a confrontation. They are however in a superior position as it relates to individual pronouns.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.